link to video
So yeah, 5000m range.
It will explode if the bullet is within 75m of the target (Op I know right?) And the enemy will be dead for sure.
I didn't want it to be too op so the missile has no homing capabilities at all, you aim it in the general direction (and give lead) and it should be good to go.
Also it only recoild whenever you fire so yeah, no pistons.
Every comment is accepted.
Aaaaand Before you ask I used this mod To aim and zoom in etc, it might or not be in the final post. i just made this little ontraption to test it all out. Only the gun will be used.
Also no it won't eject any shells because every bullet is 2 parts and adding casings would add an 50 parts at the minimum and I'm trying to Think about the mobile guys.
Also the bullets drop so I guess Watch out for that.
It kind off works against flares, it doesn't home in anyways.
Even shots at max range are easy, I really outdid myself with modding cleavers to op bullets.
@Minecraftpoweer ok bro thanks!
@EliteArsenals24 max is the max range of the proximity. Min is like if the missile is 1 meter away even tho the max is lets say 10 it won't explode.
@Minecraftpoweer input the value miles instead of meters. Oh another question bro there is the max and min value how does that work?
@EliteArsenals24 what did you try before? Like "true" or something? Xd
@Minecraftpoweer oh the value is meters. Thanks! Testing it now.
@EliteArsenals24 you just add the property to the missile and then the value. Then if the missile is within the value in meters it will destroy itself.
Hey bro. Sorry to bother. But I quite need some help in a new build im making. I can't seem to understand how the proximity detonation xml value works. Can you perhaps provide an in-depth explaination so that I can understand. Really appreciate your response if you're not too busy.
@xXRaindropXx when I'm done. But I will be tired out of my mind for the next 2 weeks so progress might lack.
Can you tag me?
@EliteArsenals24 yea sure
Tag me once it is done please. This is very cool
@AchuTMM yes but we can't make that in game. We can max have 8 ranges and switch between them with the activation groups.
@AchuTMM Eh. Its like flak just that it adjusts the fuse automatically?
@spefyjerbf I actually didn't know ut could take stuff out that far away from it either. And thanks from the compliment :D
No worries. I didn’t know that the cleaver had a good enough blast radius to take down targets within 75 meters. I remember that I made a cleaver-based ATA cannon a while ago, but its function was not nearly as elegant as this one.
@spefyjerbf And I didn't see the edit of your vomment before I replied
@spefyjerbf It does, originaly I put a bomb on a normal atg missile eith function set to ata but that would just accelerate the bomb forwards on detonation (or if you shift the bomb slightly it would shoot the bomb down wjich was pretty cool) but then I remembered cleavers so boom huge explosion, small package. Ofcourse everything about it is modded though.
Nice. Does it use an ATA cleaver?
Edit: Nevermind. I didn’t read the last line of text. Nice job!
Right guys I will play some csgo following Russian tradition, I'll probably not answer comments but if I do it will be with my phone so expect typos.
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck Ah and also it's not my first recoild gun, they look pretty similar but this one is completely new along with a fancier muzzle brake. this is the recoil gun
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck And it's not the flak minigun, that one was rockets on detachers with destruction timer, this is a missile that doesn't home in and has proximity detonation.
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck Anti air proximity, I can guarantee it's not uploaded.
@CptJacobson Well that is Surface to air? Kind off. I was just recommending, you can use it on whatever you want.
@Minecraftpoweer I more thinking of a WW2 Destroyer using it
@CptJacobson It's not even out but when it is you could slap it on something. Not recommended to use on an aircraft, I mean it works but it's surface to air.