At exactly 13:00 yesterday, an unknown aircraft Crashed in the WTA (Weapons testing Area on Wright Island. when the officials arrived the aircraft was surprisingly in a "Mediocre" condition. the aircraft was later identified as the "SBF-37 FORTRESS" Which is currently in operation by the "UFS" United-forces of Solutia. The government sent a message to their Capital, telling them how it came into view with the 5th engine in flames. the Uss tiny's captain explained how it caught fire over the coast of Sky park islands. more information coming soon.
The USF said that they lost that aircraft 4 months ago and how they "Decommissioned" it Two days after Its AI system crashed. They said the Conegsreich could have it, and its blueprints, but to remove the AI system.
We sent regards and the information from the aircrafts BlackBox.
@LancasterAce what?
@WhyAreWeHere Fuzavir
@MTakach I forgot which faction I was in