So what i mean here is, I build planes in series. Normally by a special organization system I have come up with, but I know many of you just make new plane after new plane. So how do you make planes in series or just a new one every time.
So what i mean here is, I build planes in series. Normally by a special organization system I have come up with, but I know many of you just make new plane after new plane. So how do you make planes in series or just a new one every time.
I always (unless it's a name I made specific for it) put a -XX to show how many variations there have been on a plane. The only exceptions are when I'm going for a replica (which is pretty infrequent :P )
I think the highest version I'm up to is 27 on my Thunderbird. Had that thing around since the beginning, so naturally it's had its fair share of tweaks and changes.
I do a Mark I to Mark V for a series that share common features.
My office building was dameged by a someones mistake, so i have to stay and work at home(acturelly not much work to do), so I have enough time to play SP. :D
I usually build along the lines of "hellcat 1.0, hellcat 1.1, hellcat 1.2.... And so on.
Then I post the finished version, I just finished my F6f hellcat and its version 3.7 or something!😂
I usually build three or more version of each plane so when I build a new one I just add V2 after it.
I order all Sly planes with a "C" for concept or "S" Special, for example "C2" or "S320". If I build for a challenge its with a "V" followed by a Porsche model number, like V918.
@YoYoJ16 um that's just two planes... But it's in a series so yeah.
Will try to check them out @YoYoJ16
Ive been on/off with building a plane series that extends the lineage of thd F/A-18s amd ive named them similarly such as after types of relatives to Hornets or of the cat tree...
I Just make planes of what I want to build