Expect these to be released before December 2019. (Yes I know that's a while from now)
@SubXTribe @T8flightcrafts Thanks! I'll be sure to list you! And that cockpit did take a long time to get right.
List me in there! ;D
ohhhhhhh, that last plane-----cockpit ..........SO SMOOTHHHH.......
@CrashFighter05 OH NO
@klm747klm747 oh crap I need to upload one right now! * runs out of room and hits head on door and falls*
@CrashFighter05 lol
My projects waiting completion: ∞
Thanks! @klm747klm747
@Vidal99977 @CRJ900Pilot Thank you so much! I'll be sure to tag you.
Planes in Order: 747-400 757-200 M4000(Fictional) 707-320 727-200
Cool! Cant wait!
Nice planes! I like that 757
@SubXTribe @T8flightcrafts Thanks! I'll be sure to list you! And that cockpit did take a long time to get right.
List me in there! ;D
ohhhhhhh, that last plane-----cockpit ..........SO SMOOTHHHH.......
@CrashFighter05 OH NO
@klm747klm747 oh crap I need to upload one right now!
* runs out of room and hits head on door and falls*
@CrashFighter05 lol
My projects waiting completion: ∞
Thanks! @klm747klm747
@Vidal99977 @CRJ900Pilot Thank you so much! I'll be sure to tag you.
Planes in Order:
Cool! Cant wait!
Nice planes! I like that 757