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Updates on Projects

7,977 TheCreatorandDestroyer99  6.0 years ago

So my main project, the C-130 inspired aircraft is about 65% complete. The LC-130 inspired aircraft is about 50% complete. The skis and livery need to get done. The AC-130 inspired aircraft is on hold due to me not being very interested in it. I’m working on a delta wing fighter jet body. Should be done in a few days. Give or take 3-4 days. I’ll start production on a frigate, gunboat, or patrol boat. There will be no aircraft carrier since I’m not sure how to make such a big hull. The reconnaissance plane is on hold, I’ll need to have a general idea for what it will look like. There’s an old project where I was going to refurbish the old 777 I have to actually have a realistic window configuration. Not sure what I’m gonna do with that. So that’s basically it. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. :)