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50.1k Destroyerz117  6.0 years ago

Since yall arent the greatest at ignoring posts: go check out this one it's the actual aircraft which is now released complete with this description i was typing out for it...

And here we have it!
Welcome to my latest and greatest Time sink to date! None other then the Planet Express from Futurama taking more than 100 hours to complete including research into features, making of those features, fixing them when they break out of nowhere, fixing them again when they break out of nowhere, fixing them when they break out of...
and officially destroying my sanity! So that's Great.


The planet express features tripodal landing gear because 3 is the greatest! Including fold out stairs with which to enter the ship! It all slides in and out of the ship with maximum satisfaction.

The front of the ship is where the big guns are housed, the primary lasers fold out from two tubes located on either side of the front landing gear, these send out two wide powerful laser beams capable of melting through metal hulls, they even have a double use as headlights! Although very dangerous ones at that...(I'm sorry Mom I told you not to overtake me)

A piloted turret on top of the ship lets you aim aim anywhere, with a full 180 degrees of action! Its not 360 but it might as well be!

Thanks to the advancements in engine technology the Planet Expresses Dark matter engines are capable of directional thrust allowing vertical takeoffs and landings and the ship can come to a near perfect standstill and hang in mid air! (Its using a 2D VTOL system this is thanks to some special help I got from @spefyjerbf which uses a gyro engine combo. I go more in depth of how it works below.)

And speaking of dark matter the planet express has the energy equivalent of 2.6 million gallons of fuel! Meaning you won't ever have to walk again.
The engine disobeys the laws of physics by moving the universe around it and by doing so can achieve speeds faster than light!...Or in this case circa. 900mph but that's almost the same thing right!?..Right?


One thing to note is all this stuff is bound to the landing gear, so if they by chance stop working that will be because you've disabled the landing gear.

2D VTOL system and flight controls

Standard flight:

By default the Planet Express controls like any normal VTOL aircraft and can take off by starting thrust and moving the VTOL slider up, this will also simultaneously fold up the landing gear. These are all on AG 8 so disabling that will cut off the primary engines and lock the landing gear in place.

2D VTOL flight:

AG 5: will activate the 2D vtol, while in 2D vtol the aircraft is locked into one angle with help of a gyro(so it can't face up or down) from here you control up and down movement with the VTOL slider, you move forwards with thrust, and you yaw/ change direction with roll.
This is to assist with landing and helps with various things such as locking the ship into place and making it easier to use the magnet winch.
Your also going to want to disable normal flight while using this with the exception of activating it briefly to put down the landing gear.

Primary lasers

AG 1/Fire

The Primary lasers are activated with AG 1 and with that are toggle able and will fold in and out of the ship, although your going to want to hold off from firing until they're all the way out since...yeah accidents can happen.

The Primary lasers can come in useful when destroying ground targets, especially when paired with the 2D VTOL

(I had to guess a Little when making these as there are literally no pictures online)

Top mounted turret

AG 2/Trim/Pitch/Fire

AG 2 Will activate the turret (can fire without activation group but 2 will alow you to control its direction) turret can turn a full 180 degrees with trim which controls the turning(tested with yaw but would reset if you let go of the button which made aiming impossible) and pitch controls up down movement.

The Idea here is that if your stopping and taking time to aim with the turret your going to be motionless in the air with 2D VTOL

Winch Magnet

AG 3/Trim/AG 4

AG 3 Will open the chamber housing the magnetic winch hook, as well as activating the winch itself. Trim adjusts the height level of the magnet,
and AG 4 will activate the magnet in itself so you can carry objects.

Works best in tandem with 2D VTOL activated so you can hover in place and not make the magnet fly away like some kind of possessed Frisbee

Cargo bay/elevator

VTOL slider:

The cargo bay elevator extends when you drag the VTOL slider all the way down, pretty self explanatory.

These are all the controls for the ship, there are also a few easter eggs hidden, I'm won't spoil how to activate them or what they are. (Well except for one)

And finally in honor of my man @Mattangi2

Enjoy! :)

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    @Destroyerz117 yeah

    6.0 years ago
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    @CptJacobson that's cool too hear, so you found out how to activate it?

    6.0 years ago
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    You made my day when I was Bender

    6.0 years ago
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    Right now while i would like to release this, I can't because of an issue thats popped up where the plane will randomly lurch like its been wacked by something followed by an impact sound, right now im taking apart the whole thing but i still havent managed to find the issue

    6.0 years ago
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    19.7k WaffleCakes

    Is your mental health okay?

    After,um,oh jeez that’s a perfect Planet Express

    6.0 years ago
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    @DarkRainbow2 we''ll get there someday lol

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    I forgot to ignore this post.

    6.0 years ago
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    6.0 years ago
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    @destroyerP @RailfanEthan thanks for the help, and being so good at ignoring posts

    6.0 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    @Destroyerz117 it work (for some reason i didnt get the notification, i just some how found out when i recheck this post)

    6.0 years ago
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    gifs work

    6.0 years ago
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    @aircraftarsenal123 you make a lot of sense...I would have done that but you see..I am very stupid

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    You could put it in an unlisted description. That’s what I do

    6.0 years ago
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    @xGeneralFischx why wouldn't it be a picture of a duck crossed with a spinosaurus. I think we're asking the wrong questions here!

    6.0 years ago
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    Why is your profile picture a duck crossed with a spinosaurus @Destroyerz117

    6.0 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan @destroyerP Alright while you all are here, at least tell me if the Gifs are working

    6.0 years ago
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    I feel attacked

    6.0 years ago
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    6.0 years ago
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    @destroyerP uy\dsfgyo87ugt\viytcf6yd

    6.0 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP


    6.0 years ago