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If I come back what should I build?

11.2k danman12  5.7 years ago

Okay so for awhile I didn’t have a good iPhone, my X broke, so I was on a iPhone 6s for a lil bit and now I have a Xs Max so now if I comeback I need ideals for aircraft to build

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    Maybe a fictional plane,most of my planes originated as doodles I made at school

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @CrashFighter05 Yep.

    5.7 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    @metallicplanes you could get 7 Kindle hd 10 for one iphone x.

    5.7 years ago
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    @danman12 That is the advantage

    5.7 years ago
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    11.2k danman12

    @metallicplanes and my phone can handle a lot more parts on builds

    5.7 years ago
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    @danman12 That is terrible.

    5.7 years ago
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    11.2k danman12

    @CrashFighter05 yeah but I don’t like tablets

    5.7 years ago
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    24.4k NoGoCars

    how about using a kindle? Cheap & mods

    5.7 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Weird flex but okay
    You could've bought atleast a mac and being able to get Maywar and Kraken, and play with tons of mods instead of using iPhone
    How about making the UTV which ran over your phone

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    11.2k danman12

    @Chancey21 I was mudding with some friends and my phone fell out and when I realized that it fell out we looked in the field we were mudding in and found it and it got ran over by the UTV

    +2 5.7 years ago
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    69.4k Chancey21

    How did your iPhoneX “break”?

    5.7 years ago