He was saying stuff about you editing his builds so they would expload and he literally Tagged Andrew and asked to be a mod so he could “Handel his own problems“ or something @Minecraftpoweer
Cool I can ask you something right? Well I was sleeping so I never got the chance to see a certain forum. I did however get a gist of what it was about by reading comments from the "comments" section on profiles. I am seriously considering rolling on the floor laughing...... but what was the quote he said was hate speech? I don't think I said anything... like at all.
@belugasub Well I read that part haha.
@belugasub Okay.
He was saying stuff about you editing his builds so they would expload and he literally Tagged Andrew and asked to be a mod so he could “Handel his own problems“ or something @Minecraftpoweer
Oh that! Yea that post got removed, I have no idea what he was talking about either lol sorry xD @Minecraftpoweer
Cool I can ask you something right? Well I was sleeping so I never got the chance to see a certain forum. I did however get a gist of what it was about by reading comments from the "comments" section on profiles. I am seriously considering rolling on the floor laughing...... but what was the quote he said was hate speech? I don't think I said anything... like at all.
I Am NoT aUsTrALiAn, WhY dO i SoUnD aUsTrAliAn? @DuckMint
It goes to sleep @Mattangi2
Because they are poopyheads @Mattangi2
Because apple sause @Mattangi2
YoU sOuNd aUsTrAliAn, ArE yOu fRoM AuStRaLiA???
What happens when you put a werewolf on the moon?
why do they build houses outside?
What's a thought that you've never had?
If both white things and mirrors reflect all light, then why don't they look the same?
@belugasub realization intensifies
I came from an egg @AWESOMENESS360
Hi @plane918273645
The Easter bunny @randomusername
*uranus @metallicplanes
In my head @ChiyomiAnzai
Z e r o @Mattangi2
Because bushes are too pathetic I much prefer the stronger t r e e @Chancey21