Due to the success of the operation, ASW Aerospace will be partnering with the New Communist republic and carrying on further attacks with the aim of renewing the government in such weakened states. We will do our best to avoid possible civilian casualties as such we will avoid: unconventional weapons, large scale dropping of unguided ordnance and uneccesary damage of property. If enemies do not cooperate, further actions will be taken in their homeland territory. Other friendly corporations are encouraged to join the 'takeover'
Not a bad idea
You can still use announcements, I just wish there was a way I could see just useful posts @AntiSocialTaco
It doesn’t make sense for 1-5 of the 200 active users to create and clog up half the forum page with lots of stuff that isn’t even related to the game @ChiyomiAnzai
@Chancey21 ok, I respect your opinion, next time I won't tag announcements.
I am so tired of having to sort through thousands of short effortless random RP posts to get to a few decent forums to read @ChiyomiAnzai
Nobody wants me here? I have 300 followers, not to brag but my builds get 100 upvotes, whereas most RP Posts only get 2-3 upvotes from the same people every time. @ChiyomiAnzai
@AntiSocialTaco heck yeah, but Chancey21 is a good friend of mine though
@Lahoski107 throw some salt at the haters
Guys, you can volunteer in your RP corporations to join in the fun
@Chancey21 if you don’t like it on this site, then simply don’t click on the post.
Please use discord, nobody wants this here
communism will prevail
No commies here