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How can i build a custom cockpit?

25 JuWie  5.8 years ago

I want to build a custom cockpit (like the one in the bush plane), but I don't know how. Are there any tutorials? Please help me

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    @JuWie If you are android or PC, just go to the 'mods'section and download the overload mod(or a easier method, just search for 'overload' in the searching page. In the overload UI, there is a option call 'disable aircraft collosion' and it is set to 'false' as default.Just change it from 'false' to 'true'

    If you are IOS,you will need to ask for someone to do that for you

    +2 5.8 years ago
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    25 JuWie

    @Shootingstar07 how do I disable all the parts collision?

    5.8 years ago
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    For something like bush plane, just build the entire cabin hollow and use hinges, rotators and piston to make all kinds of control rod, rudder pedal, throttle handle, etc.
    Use Finetuner or overload to scale down the parts or custom edit the size. Also disableing all the parts collision in the cockpit is recommmanded

    +3 5.8 years ago
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    25 JuWie

    @JamesBoA thanks für your reply, but how can I do, that I can look inside the cockpit, when im in cockpit?

    5.8 years ago