Many people want to beef up their descriptions on their builds but have no idea how to do that.
To be able to make a picture, you must get a URL from an image hosting site such as imgur or tinypic. You also have to make sure there is a ".png" or ".jpg" at the end of the picture URL.
An example from tinypic would be:
If you use imgur, you MUST remove the "s" in https.
Pictures will only work in forums and descriptions, NOT in comments.
Links, however, can work in comments, descriptions and forums. All you have to do is copy the URL and paste it inside parentheses. The words that you want everyone to see goes inside the brackets.
Here's an example:
Anyway, i hope you learned something new in this tutorial. Kthxbye
I wish tinypic was still around and I wish that imgur liked google. Oh well
Oh. I think you put the image link inside of a link so it would look like this:
[ ! [ ] ( image url ) ] ( url )
(Without spaces) @plane918273645
I've never tried it though
Like a picture that you can click on @Zoomzoom999
The first half of this is all about pictures @plane918273645
What about picture links, I forgot how to do that
@Zoomzoom999 K thanks
I don't know if it works on other websites @NaCl10
If I were hosting my own site, could I use an image URL from my site? Or does it have to be from a proper service?
Never really liked Imgur because of how unreliable it is here
I've always used Discord and i never got any problems with it
Lol @Stormfur
Also, i forgot to mention that you also have to have a ".png" or ".jpg" at the end of the picture URL. @TheCreatorandDestroyer99
Thank you! Now I can link people to this post instead of trying to explain the formatting.
like this
!nospaces[ ]nospaces( This is what I typed. Ignore the no spaces it’s so you can actually see the link.
Yeah I did. And there were no spaces. @Zoomzoom999
If you are using imgur, you have to take out the "s" so it's "http" instead of "https" @TheCreatorandDestroyer99
Then the image was typed in incorrectly @TheCreatorandDestroyer99
What happens when a white box appears?