I have made a destroyer as seen in my account. I want to make a fleet of them and upload the fleet. However, when I try and turn the ship into a sub assembly by removing the cockpit, it never works and the whole ship never moves. Just a part. So, anyone have a better solution? Keep in mind that I am using a phone. By the way, please dont copy my design without at least give me some credit.
@ChrisETH I think I have removed other cockpits, but it still doesn't work..
Im a PC user
@uselessuser151 if you have A cockpit in your design, remove it and add it as a sub assembly. If not, you have more problems, you just need to check if you have any extra cockpits
I have a same problem. Can you give me more details how to do it. Thanks very much.
@ProjectVideoGame it’s okay, I already figured it put
Completely detach the cockpit and drag one part over to the
create assembly
If you want to save your build as a sub you can go to the simpleplanes file. Open AircraftDesign folder select the build, copy all the xml stuff then go to subassembly folder select a subassembly then overwrite the xml of the build to the subassemly's xml.
@JamesBoA Oh, okay then, I'll be sure to take care of that matter then.