For example:
You make the base for the symbol
Now for each "element" (for this example we use triangle) you first copy the X coordinate of the base, and then paste it on the triangle, then nudge the triangle 0.001 unit away from the base, so it'll make the symbol flat while also not glitching out
@exosuit ok
For example:
You make the base for the symbol
Now for each "element" (for this example we use triangle) you first copy the X coordinate of the base, and then paste it on the triangle, then nudge the triangle 0.001 unit away from the base, so it'll make the symbol flat while also not glitching out
@exosuit ?
Nudge each element of the symbol by 0.001/0.0005
@CptJacobson thanks
This should help your XML bud @OrangeBoardEnterprise
@jamesPLANESii thanks
Aah. If you get this mod , you can adjust the parts so they have 0 mass and drag.
@CrashFighter05 @jamesPLANESii then will it affect the plane? Each part weighs 22lb
Adjust the nudge increment
Use finetuner and get it as close to the body panels as you can. Thats what I do.