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'Blimp' Fusilage Part

3,690 LjSpike  9.5 years ago

This is a request for an additional part for the game, primarily for blimps. This is an additional or alternative fusilage (and nose cone) which can't store fuel or dead weight BUT can still use bouyancy and a special 'floatability' attribute which gives it the effect of floating in the air. I guess it could remove from the total weight. This would allow loads of new things, like antigravity fighters, blimps, hot air balloons, giant flying McDonald's burgers that are controllable! It'd give so many more possibilities!

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    3,690 LjSpike

    @Jachupl Perhaps.

    8.8 years ago
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    225 Jachupl

    @LjSpike This idea is awesome, but that part would have to be blocked in most challenges like "Going the distance".

    8.9 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike

    @TheLatentImage what do you think of this idea? :)

    9.5 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @LjSpike You mean the fuselage part

    9.5 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike

    @Authros @karlosdarkness @ A5mod3us your opinions?

    9.5 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike

    @PuhBuhGuh Thats what I mean, air bouyancy, that would also decrease weight. Put a helium balloon attached to a 50 gram weight on some scales. It won't weigh 50 grams. (Well, the scales won't read 50 grams)
    @XVIdarkLithium The new parts, the parts you can change the shape of? Durr!

    9.5 years ago
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    3,802 PuhBuhGuh

    It would need to be air buoyancy, not a negative dead weight.

    9.5 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    Whats a fusilage Part?

    9.5 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike

    @XVIindustries and @WalrusAircraft here it is.

    +1 9.5 years ago