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Current Projects (Extended)

19.2k klm747klm747  5.8 years ago

Projects include:
747-400/400F (detailed upper deck)
M. Corp M200
M. Corp M400

The 747s will be released when I hit 2,000 points. Some other planes might come first to help me get there.

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    19.2k klm747klm747

    @QingyuZhou Wow, thanks!

    I actually take a lot of inspiration from you! Your builds are great!

    5.8 years ago
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    5.8 years ago
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    19.2k klm747klm747

    @BlueCitrus Thanks so much! The creations (except the 747, 757, and m400) are about 300 parts! I have also optimized for lower power devices, since I am playing on a crappy laptop. I have turned calculatedrag off to increase fps.

    757- almost 512 parts
    747- about 600 parts
    M400- 931 parts ( amazing fps though)

    (BTW the 747 is the absolute dream)

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    I just died, because these are so beautiful but I know my tablet won't be able to handle it

    Amazing job!

    5.8 years ago