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3,633 Space137  5.7 years ago

How can I be better at building aircraft?
Ik i need spend more time in building
But how can i be better?
build better fuselage shape maybe?

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    929 IssaIwan

    As you know, this comment is long. If you want something short and not very specific, play the building tutorial. Be warned, the tutorial only explores only what you'd need to know to build a basic plane. But anyway, onto my comment. I'd start with making prop planes. They're easier to build. When building, always have the CoM CoT CoL turned on so that you can see the values. When building, use decently-sized wings that can support the plane. Always have the CoM (red sphere) in front of the CoL (blue sphere), or else the plane will do backflips. You can change the position of the CoM by adding or removing weight on parts of the plane. The CoL can be adjusted by changing the position or size of the wings. Always have a vertical stabilizer (or fin if you wanna call it that) on your plane, or it'll start spinning uncontrollably mid-air. Always have the CoM only a little bit in front of the CoL, as a large distance between the two can make the plane have terrible or no pitch. Also, one more thing. I mentioned earlier that propeller planes are easier to build, which is because of how engines are very heavy, and propellers are the only engines that can be placed directly on the front of the fuselage, and due to their weight allow for easier control over the distribution of mass, which makes building wings easier.

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    3,633 Space137

    @MTakach sure

    5.7 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    @TUNDERTEAM no problem my dude consider yourself followed, Ask me for help if you need any

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    3,633 Space137

    @Nerfenthusiast okay

    5.7 years ago
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    oh its actually not to hard to learn just mess around with the parts until you get the hang of them is my suggestion @TUNDERTEAM

    5.7 years ago
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    3,633 Space137

    @Nerfenthusiast i dont know how to build helis whit the new parts ;-;

    5.7 years ago
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    you could also do what I did and update old helis to use the new parts @TUNDERTEAM

    5.7 years ago
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    3,633 Space137

    @MTakach i use fuselage blocks yea im gonna look how people do his plane thx for the tip

    5.7 years ago
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    7,875 MTakach

    use the fuselage blocks not the 1x1x1 blocks
    download other peoples aircraft, observe the details of what they did to it.
    practice makes perfect.
    you can go to one of my aircraft to observe it if you want to.

    +2 5.7 years ago