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Race Plane Challenge 2 poll

25.2k A5mod3us  9.4 years ago

Greetings simpleplanes engineers! my last challenge was a great success. That being said, it was not without its problems, and I believe mistakes on my part is what largely led to so many disqualified entries. I plan to make the rules and goals of the next challenge much clearer and better defined.

That being said, the poll question here has to do with the challenge goal. It will be another race as the last. However, my question is: What race course should I use for the new challenge?

Please choose one of the following options.

A) Oceanview again!
B) Let's give Paradise a go!
C) It might be a tough challenge, but how about a trench run?
D) I have a better idea! (Explain)
E) Your challenges are garbage. Quit hosting them loser!

Post your answer below.

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    113 Buzz

    C for the win

    9.3 years ago
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    3,141 Nightraider

    @XVIindustries @A5mod3us I agree with XVI

    9.4 years ago
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    9.4 years ago
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    9,187 LT556


    9.4 years ago
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    Let's do a jet challenge!

    9.4 years ago
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    Maybe air mail for a future event? Then you can have big planes and small planes carrying a cargo and racing to deliver it the fastest, it helps with the new evreyplay, and people can video their route so it will depend on the pilots a swell as the machines :) you could also hold something like that but for seaplanes or boats, it would be quite fun, you could even do period themed races like 1930s style or 1950s style racers, so you get things like gee bees and S6b's lots of cool stuff @A5mod3us

    9.4 years ago
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    25.2k A5mod3us

    @XVIindustries I've already got plans for different classes and divisions. This is mainly just to determine what the actual task will be for the planes. A island to island flight test is interesting, but really would boil down to a straight line speed run, which I already plan to do as with the previous challenge. Race planes need to be tested for both speed and maneuverability. Maybe in a future challenge I will do a island to island transport theme, but it doesn't really fit the air-race theme I'm going for here. Thanks for the input though. it's truly appreciated :)

    9.4 years ago
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    26.3k Skua

    @XVIindustries maybe those classes could be spread out in to some sort of tournament?

    9.4 years ago
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    D- we do a sort of intercontinental air race, old island to new island, with multiple classes, including passenger jet, light aircraft, Jet and purpose built racer (the same as the last challenge apply to this class) all of these classes should have a set of rules each, and it would be like the old England to Australia races..

    9.4 years ago
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    25.2k A5mod3us

    @BigCat There will be lots of options to compete for.

    9.4 years ago
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    3,840 BigCat

    A or C but also multiple visual categories? Like best modern look, best WWII look, etc

    9.4 years ago
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    34.1k AgDynamics

    Paradise may be a little easy. I liked Oceanview, I think it's a pretty good test of handling.

    Really though I would say it depends on what kind of rules you've got planned for the challenges. If you're going to allow big jet engines I'd say that Paradise is probably good, I can see it being challenging at very high speeds. If you're doing single prop engines (or small jets) I'd do Oceanview again. If you're feeling masochistic I'd say Trench Run, but I sure wouldn't want to test 40-something planes on that course.

    9.4 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium


    9.4 years ago
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    31.1k Spikerya

    BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.... spice it up a little...

    9.4 years ago
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    5,521 Verdnan


    9.4 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium


    9.4 years ago
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    7,404 Mrwhiskers85

    B. paradise would be cool

    9.4 years ago