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Is there any way to increase the explosion power and radius of A-A and A-G missiles?

539 Aizen  5.8 years ago

I've been modding xml files for over an year, yet I cannot understand how to increase the explosion radius (like a nuke, but nt like a nuke) and explosion power so that multiple targets (3 ships in one shot) are destroyed. I've made missiles that do not need lock-on timer and with 360° firing range. I've made missiles smaller than rockets, but lethal like it used to be. Yet I have not come across any commands that alter the radius of explosion and force of explosion. If anybody know anything about it, please comment below.......!

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    Yeh @Aizen

    5.8 years ago
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    539 Aizen

    @plane918273645 so there's no way, you say?

    5.8 years ago
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    Pretty sure the power is hard coded into the game and can’t be changed

    5.8 years ago
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    539 Aizen

    @Oski but that is not the case with missiles. I fired an extremely small cleaver, normal size cleaver and enlarged cleaver at the USS Beast and all three took down ship in one shot. The blast smoke and radius did not changed a bit. If size alteration does not change explosivity of missiles, then there have to be a keyword for it.

    5.8 years ago
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    10.5k Xenotriver

    You can't do that. For bombs and torpedoes you would have to increase it's size for it to work like that.

    5.8 years ago