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Change of plans with the YF-23

4,841 NovaTopaz  9.4 years ago

Well, I was going to do the XML editing by myself, but it's become pretty clear to me that I'm still a newbie when it comes to XML editing, so I'm going to leave it up to someone else who knows how to XML mod. So the request is to make the V-tails be at 40 degrees from horizontal(to be historically accurate to the aircraft), look like the ones on the IRL YF-23, and to have the rotators be able to use the tail for pitch and yaw(45 degrees for yaw, between 15 and 30 for pitch, though if you want, you can omit the pitch, as I'm probably going to change it anyway). Rotators preferably hidden, V-tail wing parts on edges of body, front edge of V-tail meets with rear of primary wing.

Also modding the rear so the engines have side fairing extending to the rear of the aircraft, and make the rear blocks at the end of the aircraft to have a W shape.

Bonus points for having a missile bay near the front of the aircraft(certainly not required, so you could skip this entirely), with missiles included.

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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @XVIdarkLithium Ok.

    9.4 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    @NovaTopaz no (-_-)

    9.4 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @XVIdarkLithium Umm, are you doing it? Just had to ask

    9.4 years ago
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    6,955 Wahoo12

    Pretty cool!

    9.4 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @LjSpike Yeah, like I said, the missiles aren't required.

    And as for the rotators, that's not going to work for me. This is a replica, and I want it to be as close to it as possible in terms of functionality, and neither of those methods will achieve it, as the V-tail is a stabilator, so it rotates for both yaw and pitch.

    Also, I was already going for XML editing for the V-tail, so either way, it wouldn't matter much(I can already do my own XML editing, but I'm still pretty new to it, so I'm going to let other people handle this first one, but after this, I will likely use my own editing). And I'm completely new to editing the fuselage blocks, so I don't know how to do those shapes.

    9.4 years ago
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    3,690 LjSpike

    @NovaTopaz 4 missiles would never fit in that.
    Go to look at @WalrusAircraft - See his list of airplanes, look for tricycle landing gear.
    Thats XML modded rotators. attach the tail 'fins' to them, make them respond to pitch, then have the yaw control surface.

    YAW/PITCH combined.
    Or just use Dihedral on vertical stabilisers, which needs NO XML modding what-soever to get the angled tail fins.

    9.4 years ago
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    4,841 NovaTopaz

    @XVIdarkLithium Well, I have the body mostly finished already, I just need a few things added, which either requires XML editing or have a very hard time fitting one(missile bay) to it.

    I should add the missile bay needs 4 missiles, to match what the IRL version has for the central missile bay. Though like I said, it's not really required.

    9.4 years ago
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    2,998 DarkLithium

    Sounds like you want us to make the craft for you ;)

    9.4 years ago