I know that most of the top builders here, when building replicas (or original builds based on real planes), use blueprints along with their photos. Sometimes maybe mostly blueprints and little to no photos? I’d like to step my game up a little, but when I image search [specific airplane] blueprints, I usually get one or two pixelated, not especially helpful images. Where can I get good quality, comprehensive blueprints (along with maybe a detailed specs list) that have values for dimensions written out, etc?
@Hyattoramageometry dash
Ofc we like meme builds over real builds. We value humor over appreciation of skill
Awesome! That is very helpful, thanks for the tips! @iwannabeelected
Oh, and a good way to compare your model to blueprints is to upload it here and then take those greyscale top- side- front-view pictures and just overlay them on the blueprints using photoshop or any other editor. Takes time, but shows problems clearly. Not sure if it's any better than Designer Suite mod though :)
You know what, when I was making my Fokker replica, I've come across several different blueprints, and ALL of them had differences. Even official German drawing got stabilizer shape completely wrong. So it is a good idea to compare different blueprints and still use real photos if you're not sure. A good source of pictures is cybermodeler.com. You can even take a look at plastic model kits (on the same website) - they usually have pretty good detailing and all the parts are clearly visible.
This is the reason I prefer not to make replicas - it takes A LOT of time to figure out proper shapes, lengths and everything.
Oh haha I must’ve misunderstood but yes you should :) @jamesPLANESii
Maybe I should make one lol @Hyattorama
Awesome, thank you for all the tips, that is really helpful! Also that designer suite is super awesome. Where can I find your tutorial? @jamesPLANESii
Awesome, thank you sir! Those look fantastic! Looks like a good way to come up with new ideas for builds too! It’s like the “what would you like to build?” catalogue haha. @RamboJutter
Ok, thanks, I’ll check those out! @Brields95
https://www.the-blueprints.com/blueprints/modernplanes/ or http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/3vues.html. ps I intentionally didn't do them as links so you can see what they are :)
Well I could have just answered with that last comment, but I just gave an entire tutorial on how to use the blueprint part of the Designer Suite mod lmao.
Oh and if you want high definition blueprints, you can search up [insert name of plane] blueprints, and then do only HD images or something. Also if you want a higher concentration of blueprints, you can make it so all the pictures are white with the colours thingymajig.
Also the-blueprints.com is a good sight.
Anyways, the way I get the blueprints 100% accurate with the DesignerSuite mod, is I search up the scale of the aircraft, then I make a block that’s exactly the same length of the aircraft, and adjust the blueprint so it’s exactly the same size as the blocks. And save it.
Now your blueprint is the same size as the actual plane. :)
One day I want to make a plane that looks completely bent and whacky but looks 100% normal in the blueprints lol.
Aviastar or The-Blueprints