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-Falkan Islands- {Hopefully Simplelandia worthy}

6,965 Falconhawk  5.8 years ago

(Copied from my Bio, All this information is subject to change as i wish to be a relatively small roleplayer, please don't attack me, lol.)

The Falkan Republic Of Islands (formerly Wolen Islands)
Is a nation consisting of Three Large islands and the four smaller land masses around them, (not to be confused with the ones in game.) Suffering from recent wars of the previous decade The island nation has only been united fully since 1953, With multiple skirmishes involving conflicts against Itself. The Nation was brought together in attempts to help further Technology and boost mainly the Air and Naval forces. Many developments have led the weak nation to producing a fairly deadly force comprising of dozens of Fighter Airceaft and long range command Cruisers. Though mainly defensive, Their true purposes will remain unknown.

[Capitol island,] Falka, Being the largest of the three. This Island is a well populated and city-covered area of the nation. Most commodities and military equipment are centered here. Including the Air Force and the Nations Two CV-10 Escort Carriers.

Valens, This island is the least populated of the three. Used for testing weapons and farming in some areas. This land consists of flat plains with countless farms and other agricultural systems set upon it. On the side closest to Falka, A port city known as New Avaria is situated. Being a rather large City for the islands main use, There isn't too much to say about the place. But with it's connections to the Capitol on Falka. Shipments here are of high value and importance.

Lastly, The relatively densely populated island of Aege
Completing the Triangle of islands in the nation. This land contains most of the Three's Military Research and [Redacted] bases. With tight security to the south of the land. A large river separates the island in half, With the upper half (towards Falka and Valens.) containing most of Aege's population. The South is walled off and tightly secured. [Redacted] happens there.

(The islands, each within a distance of 10km of each other. Are no larger than 1000 miles squared. containing a combined population of roughly 1,200,000 people. And are mainly peaceful toward one another. This includes other nations. With military bases securing offshore sites similar to Oil rigs and smaller Islands. Naval operations have been the main strong point of the nation for years. especially with less money spent on Main ground units. Though due to shipyard restrictions. Destroyers and Frigates are preferred over the Two carriers of the nation.)
(i'm bad at writing.)

GDP: 160,000,000~
Population Total: 1,200,000
(These numbers are currently placeholders. Suggestions welcome. Probably.)
Government: Republic. The Leader of The Falkan Nation is identified as a President. Once voted for, This President is only removed once another Leader has been chosen by the people, Unless they are required to be removed, Or unless they are deceased.
-insert communism here. Maybe.-
-since when was I good with governments?-

----------CURRENT MILITARY POWER---------
(Counting Planned, In Construction, Or Inoperable vehicles)

AirForce Title: Falkan Aerial Defense Fleet (FADF)
Ground Forces: Falkan Ground Security
Naval Forces: Falkan Naval Defense Fleet

Flagship of the Navy: FNDF Falka.
The first ship of the CA-50 Class.
This ship has been the Flagship since 1995. And has gone through large amounts of refitting. Most information is classified for now.

Standard issue Fighter Jet: AV-98.
The Valakadyn is a long Range high-agility fighter aircraft. With models getting cheaper to produce thanks to multitudes of factories scattered across the military of the nation. Most trained pilots can expect one of these craft.

Standard Ground Unit: ATX-8B
Due to a lack of main battle tank production. The Island nation prefers Amphibious Wheeled vehicles over large tracked craft. Though lightly armored, The 100mm Cannon on this tank is designed specifically for erasing even the heaviest tank. And with it's Electric engine and Solar panels. The craft has a rather low fuel cost.

-- 45, AV-97 Taipan Multirole Attack Fighters.
-- 20, AV-94 Strike Falcon Surface Attack Craft
-- 50, AV-98 Valakadyn Air Superiority Fighters.
-- 367, ATX-8B Alligator Amphibious Anti-Tank Vehicles.
-- 216, APC-6A Chameleon Amphibious Armoured Fighting Vehicles.
-- 42, AH-50 Skyhawk Light Attack Helicopters.
-- 2, CV-10 Escort Carriers.
-- 4, CA-50 Davenport Class Heavy Cruisers
-- 9, CL-40 Command Cruisers.
-- 12, CDE-10A Defense Platform Destroyers.
-- 7, CSS-10A Recon Combat Submarines.
-- An unknown, (But Small) Number of well-equipped infantry

(PS: I am not able to post images. So, Sorry about the vehicle list being a bit bland.)

(And, This is all a work in Progress. Though I'd like some opinions on discount Belka.)

(and, somebody apparently declared war on me?)

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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Well good to know. I wouldn't exactly reccomend such a thing, nowhere remotely as a threat of power/war or any of the such, but I guess it'll be explained when I make my Country post.

    5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck The Falkan Islands.
    (Or The Falkan Republic Of Islands)

    It's basically a Three island triangle out in the ocean with a few smaller islands around it-

    (Go wild with placement. I don't mind)

    5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck f a l k a n
    i s l a n d s

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech


    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    You don't have to get approved (i think...) because I just made a post like this and that was it, but it's up to you, and ok

    5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @BlueCitrus Not sure how to get it approved for Simplelandia roleplay, And. Thanks for the offer, But i doubt I'd have the storage areas for any new aircraft for a while.
    (AV-98's are rather large.)

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    Would you like me to send you some propeller driven aircraft, seeing that a country has declared war on you for no reason?

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    Is this in the Official RP or the SimpleLandia RP? (I'm in the SimpleLandia one)

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    No problem. I'll make sure they get sent with respectable provisions to maintain the cars for many months, and are in pristine and combat-ready conditions as a whole.
    A Panamax freighter should load up and set sail via next Monday, and expected to arrive Friday next week.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @MrVaultech but.
    o o f.
    I don't want to take more than i can store and handle properly.
    So, 100 would be fine for Falkan defense, Thanks for your help of course.

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    No need to worry about compensation for this generous donation, just seeing the precarious situation you arrived in just starting seemed too detrimental to the safety of your country, and thus in need of a greater ally to keep such a new country safe.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @MrVaultech oh and, I have an experimental aircraft i could give you access to. If you count that as some sort of trade payment.-
    (It isn't uploaded yet.)

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Considering you've just announced your countryhood, and regrettably have already been declared on by some insensitive neighbor, I'd gladly be able to donate upwards of 250 armored cars, of P.006a-30m type. I'll make sure to tag you in a private post to get a bearing of what you'll recieve.

    5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @MrVaultech The Falkan islands would happily accept your offer, A large number of vehicles won't be required. So mainly something for reserves,
    And. payment can be done in any way you'd like, Including trade of other craft.

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    While I might not quite yet be officially be an active nation in the RP, I'd be more than welcome to offer a number of armored cars to help supplement your military, if you're alright with such a offer.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @BlueCitrus -Definitely on the alliance-
    I'll take a moment to read.

    5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    Very good, would you like an alliance with Xarben? (me)
    Clicky my country's name for info

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    6,965 Falconhawk

    @BlueCitrus population is roughly 650,000.
    GPD, I'm not sure yet. Since i still want some sort of balance, I'm waiting for like
    -more experienced people.-
    And, The countrys full name is
    Republic Of The Falkan Islands
    (so, republic government etc)
    (work in progress. Oof.)

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    I too lazy to read this all but if you don't already i would suggest adding your GPD, population and you goverment

    5.8 years ago