Helicopters should not have gyros in them!
This seems really obvious but I have seen tons of people, even 100K+ users, who are shoving gyros in their helicopters for handling even though they have helicopter rotor blades.
Have you heard of a swash plate? What? You haven’t? Well, let me explain.
A swash plate is a that’s thingy that attaches to the blades on a rotor so that they moves in ways that the helicopter can pitch and roll. The rotors on SP have this feature BUILT IN. Amazing right?
Yes that’s right, helicopters manoeuvre without any mystical, magical forces that make them do that stuff.
“James I know about this feature but it doesn’t make my helicopter manoeuvrable well enough. It’s too sluggish.”
Well let me show you something.
See these sliders? Make them higher if it’s not manoeuvrable enough! Experiment! Test what happens when you fiddle with this stuff!
Thank you so much as soon as I took the gyro out and changed the router now my helicopter doesn’t spin.
say no to gyros
You edit the values in the rotor. Also the only use for gyroscopes is keeping fictional space crafts and stuff level since the physics behind it are very unrealistic @Aldriech
In your opinion, what and when will the gyro be used? I have been wanting to make helicopters and have been creating and testing them but all of them use gyros as the main control but it looks like it uses fairies and pxie dust as a way to control it. Can you give us tips and ways to make a helicopter stable? @jamesPLANESii
Lol shameless self-plug @jamesPLANESii
I’m talking about after 1.8... @ColonelStriker
I did have a gyro like helo a few years back when BaconAircaft made a system that essentially functions as a gyro
Well that’s alright lol @ColonelStriker
Well boi I sure have news to half disappoint you. I also do gyros but I have never uploaded a helo after 1.8
I agree. I have a helicopter that flies beautifully without gyros. It just has one to hover and to help with very precise landings. It should be up by tomorrow
But if they are not meant to be used that way, what is the true use of them. What were they added for. @jamesPLANESii
People use the gyro as the main controlling method on their helis @ViridiCinis
So wait, what is the use of a gyro???
I’d probably bump that up to 7 in 10 lol @Jetliner101
Isn’t that what tail rotors do? @DPSAircraftManufacturer
This is the funniest post I’ve seen all day, I know it was posted yesterday, but still
Ok indo testar
-Dino suk venha ca
Usando os giroscopios para estabilizar eles
O grande problema e de que se inclinam para um lado
But they don’t irl though, do they? @QingyuZhou
Yea that’s ok @BogdanX
The problem is, new helicopter parts cannot create any gyroscopic forces like actual helicopters do, making in-game helis unstable,
I almost using all my Custom gyro's for all of my helicopter build ROFL :3.
@jamesPLANESii i try
@jamesPLANESii clearly you've never downloaded an airliner from marine because he does it all the time. They just plop a gyro inside because the plane cant stay level at low speed.