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Bomb Bays. Make it happen

2,355 PvPSky  5.8 years ago

So, I think we all wanted to make a perfect Bomber with a realistic Bomb Bay. But then you realized that it’s way harder to make than you would think, because there is no direct Way to easily make one that is Part Efficient without Mods. So here’s the Thing I want:

There’s already a hollow Fuselage, so I would like if there was an Option to add Bomb Bay Doors to open and close with an assignable Button. You could scale how wide they open, their Size and Speed. This is rather useful while building Bombers because they mostly have a Bomb Bay, but that might sometimes be impossible because of the Body Shape if the Bomber. A Bomb Bay Setting for hollow Fuselages would be awesome and way simpler and easier to make.

I hope this will be seen often so they actually add this.

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    2,355 PvPSky

    I didn’t really say you were hating. I said I accept your Opinion, but not that you’re hating. This would still be rather easier and would also work with the other Edges there are for Fuselages. That’s simply why I want it, because I’m currently building on a B-57B that has a Bomb Bay, but it’s pretty hard to make without it looking bad. As said, I accept your Opinion, but still have my own.
    And no, you’re not hating but stating your Opinion which is something good.

    5.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @PvPSky actually be making the entire bomb bay as a single part, it will be harder to implement because of how the bay door will conform to the fuselage. You see, alot of bomber aircrafts has different bomb bays, and I wouldn't want the devs to make something which takes weeks, or even months when the devs can do something which is actually needs to be done, only for it to work on a perfectly circular fuselage.
    If you're not even bothered to panel it out, it just means you're lazy. Because with the part transform tool inplemented on iOS and FineTuner mod for both the Android and PC version, and the face that you can nudge parts in the designer, panelling a bay door is easier than ever. In fact, doing something new is what adds to your experience, and what people appreciate.
    If you could point out where exactly I'm hating, i would appreciate because i see none.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    2,355 PvPSky

    The Problem is it takes very long to resemble the Shape of the whole Body, and if you don’t build the whole Body out of multiple Parts so the Body fits the Bomb Bay Shape. That’s why a one Part would be more useful or the Option I explained in the Forum above.

    But I accept your Opinion, because who am I to judge? Some random Guy you don’t even really know.

    5.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    @PvPSky i see no problem with adding 9 parts to a build
    My hydropneumatic suspension for my tank has 14 parts, you multiply them by 12, you get 168 parts.
    Besides that, adding a prefab bomb bay and actually making one has the same performance ingame because of how the game works

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    2,355 PvPSky

    If it’s a Box-like Bomb Bay, it’s about 9. 2 Doors, 2 Rotators, 5 Walls.@exosuit

    5.8 years ago
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    18.2k exosuit

    Making a bomb bay only requires like, 2 parts each

    5.8 years ago