Just found out that I've now passed Andrew Garrison in points, does this make me the new lead dev?
Do I own Jundroo now?
Passing Andrew Garrison in points
50.1k Destroyerz117
5.7 years ago
Just found out that I've now passed Andrew Garrison in points, does this make me the new lead dev?
Do I own Jundroo now?
@SupremeDorian Never let Andrew Garrison being passed by @Destroyerz117
@SupremeDorian oh no lol, he's literally just gone up a rank.
@Jetpackturtle you better watch your heels, he's advancing!
Quick, everyone mass upvote all of Andrew's posts!
@Destroyerz117 Ohkay
@Destroyerz117 am I really in that many XD
@Minecraftpoweer wouldn't be a forum post if you weren't on it
when you're on the watchlist too
@metallicplanes yeah man, it's taken me three years to get this far at this rate I'll have passed them in a little over 30years! You better watch out Spiritus
Who is zis mod called The Latentimage ? i never met him before
@jamesPLANESii I doubt it, maybe Duckmint (that is if he doesn't post his modded maps anytime soon and send me so far behind him that..)
Pass spiritusraptor
Huh I'm here, sup guys...
@DeidaraEnterprises hmm
@Notaleopard it's getting closer!
Next, passing DuckMint, then me lol
DestroyerZ Garrison
3500 more points to Plat.
@Destroyerz117 still dont agree.
@CrashFighter05 agree with me or I'll delet ur sp account