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I've got a question...

1,683 ItzMAvRiQ  5.6 years ago

I've got a question. Tonight I was eating tuna, but I was thinking that there can't be that much tuna in the ocean so I think that we're eating dolphin because its protected and what not. But that was not my question. At my local shopping centre, I found curry flavoured tuna (A.K.A Dolphin). How did they get tuna (A.K.A Dolphin) to eat curry?

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    1,683 ItzMAvRiQ

    @jamesPLANESii yeah in pacific ocean. they're pack is really big!

    5.6 years ago
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    And then tuna are massive fish too.

    5.6 years ago
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    Dolphins are mammals thus probably taste of red meat rather than fish. Also have you ever seen a school of tuna? They’re enormous!

    +2 5.6 years ago
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    I don't think there is an unlimited amount of dolphin....

    5.6 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    What if they just season it?

    5.6 years ago
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    1,683 ItzMAvRiQ

    @vodo maybe

    5.6 years ago
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    45 vodo

    Probably eating Indian???

    +2 5.6 years ago