May 31st, 1999, Guestovia declares independence from the Baconese occupants, and the fellow citizens have risen up to form their own government, and army. There is debate if Guestovia can actually run in it’s on sovereignty.
Now let’s meet the armies!
With it’s significant size, it has a rather small army, with only 214 standing divisions and 280 in reserve, totaling up to 494 divisions, compared to the Baconese forces, wich contain of 604 standing divisions, and 238 in reserve. The Guestovian army has 400 Million standing troops, and 300 Million in reserved.
Now for the navies!
Guestovian sailors with little experience of ever sailing such ships, leave to a large, but poorly trained navy. Wich consist of, 3334, battleships, 2000 destroyers, 640 Cruisers, and 200,000 convoy ships.
Baconland, however, has a navy of some of the most skillful ships, but there are very little amounts.
Wich consist of 300 battleships, 204 destroyers, 400 cruisers, and 2,000 convoy ships.
You may ask why we have more standing men than the US. Maybe it's because we are 600,000 miles.
Is the new tag better anyone?
We have barely any turtles or tortoises so how can we have coop a troopas? @MrVaultech
Can I get just get SOME positivity?
So we have a lot of factories
Lol we are about 6,000 Miles east to west and 12000 miles north to south total.
You have way too much equipment.
400 million active soldiers seems like an absurd amount of troopa for a country, especially considering the current-day US has only 1.3 million active military members in all branches.
There’s a few different servers, there’s SLRP (takes place in mordern day) owned by Strikefighter04,then there’s the official SP RP owned by squirrel that takes place in 2040, and a few more but those are poorly managed @JordenMillar
Yes it is, and you are not my wife. @YourWife
It’s an rp that is supposed to take place in 1999.
Lol, whut
Oof, that Internet Explorer lag is no joke.
Is this.. an rp of some sort