today i went on the website to check if a new tournament was posted (nope), and i came across the public transport challenge. i thought, maybe i should do that instead of a tourney, so i downloaded my unfinished Galant, changed some stuff on it, and driving it i suddenly got so much joy, i never realized how much i missed this game and i'm not certain i'll get back to it full time, but this is definitely the start of something. as long as this Galant doesn't mess up and annoy me so much that i delete the game again, i think i might come back after all, for all the 0 people that noticed i was gone and want my creations back. i thank all zero of you for waiting.
@GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD lol its... yours. heh
@exosuit Ok.
I hear that’s a good challenge
You know what? Don't delete the game if you're frustrated of something not working (like your hard worked plane won't fly) Just go back to the home screen and try to play some other games to make you calm down, or watch satisfying videos from YouTube, try to relax, think of good thoughts, and after meditation, you might decide to either go back to simple planes or wait tomorrow so you forget that problem
I saw you when I was silver too, but only once, but I did check out your bio and highlighted builds, and they're defiantly cool! The SP community will always welcome you back with open arms :D
zero of you. funny
@WeSeekANARCHY Confusionationating intensifies
@CrashFighter05 heh. is that.. are you mocking someone? cos... the alphabets... i feel like i'm missing the joke. is it a joke? i'm confused.
yugo florida
i ShAw YoU wHeN i WaS sIlVeR lAsT.
@TitanIncorporated ^-^