Dang so cool
You can make BETTER mechs, planes, cars, alot of other cool stuff.
This is it. Next-Gen SimplePlanes. I'm gonna go migrate to this game.
2,032 OrangeBoardEnterprise
5.8 years ago
Dang so cool
You can make BETTER mechs, planes, cars, alot of other cool stuff.
I would suggest Stormworks if you tired of SP
@OrangeBoardEnterprise It is similar to a cross between Simpleplanes, Fortnite, and an adventure mode Minecraft game. You build a war machine out of shape able blocks, weapons, and a core. There is Campaign mode, Battle Royale mode, and a few other game modes. Even though there are no actual planes, you can still use rocket boosters to make an aircraft. I don't know if it has come out yet (I can't find it on Google Play) but when it does, I'm getting it. Also, it is only for Android and ioS.
I agree.@plane918273645
no you dont he has done some really bad things @OrangeBoardEnterprise
The game is good... @OrangeBoardEnterprise
@plane918273645 huh?
@Nerfenthusiast i want to know. What are the "bad" stuff?
Ye I got it as well, pretty cool @OrangeBoardEnterprise
he said some very bad stuff that you dont want to know@OrangeBoardEnterprise
@Nerfenthusiast i dont know who he is or what he is.
achu was a verry bad person and an alt is a second account @OrangeBoardEnterprise
@robloxweponco hmm. 1) who is achu tmm. 2) whats a alt.
You seem like an achu tmm alt
@ArcturusAerospace lol what?
@destroyerP hmm.....i fixed it already.....the game is called robocraft if you want to check it out
Heard of Project: Rover Rage?
What video was it supposed to be? It's showing video unavailable to me...
edit: bruh okay
@Awsomur the video was broken. Yes i was serious lol
Can’t tell if serious or joking.