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A Serious Case of B-52 Syndrome

41.5k MrVaultech  5.8 years ago

Now now, before people start yelling in the comments about this not being specifically of the B-52, I wanna let you know, this very loosely has something to do with the B-52!
As everyone knows, the B-52 came out in 1952, and has been constanly been modernized up to today in 2019.
Well, with the advent of my new P.008a-4e (which in itself was partly based off the B-52), I've discovered this bomber of mine is outstandingly versatile;
It can carry it's intended 2000kg bomb load, or even a 14000kg bomb load with the bay doors removed!

And, with a recent development, they can carry 6 Cleaver missiles in it's bay, and probably upwards of 10 if I stack them together.

So, to commemorate me making this impressive bomber, lemme show off a gallery of pictures in flight, and towards the end a collection of pictures during the building process.
And hey, if people like this thing enough, I'll give it a detail job and upload it.

A P.008c-4e carrying two 2000kg bombs, the USS Beast fleet in the background

A 3/4th view of a P.008a-4e, carrying it's usual 2000kg bomb load

A below view of a 2000kg bomb in freefall. Well above, in the background is the P.008c-4e that dropped it

The only P.008c-4e capable of dropping a 7000kg payload flying over the cloud from the bomb it dropped

An belly shot of a P.008a-4e flying over the camera, it's bays open to reveal a full arsenal of Cleaver Anti-Ship missiles

The above P.008a-4e flying over the destroyed USS Beast fleet, on which it tested it's arsenal of Cleaver missiles on

One of the 3 P.008c-4e bombers capable of carrying this 3250kg bomb is shown dropping the payload onto an unknown test target

A P.008c-4e flying over a massive explosion cloud near the Snowstone military base, in hope to destroy those pesky missile launchers. It's believed it was a 2000kg bomb that was used

The P.008c-4e that dropped the first 7000kg bomb, the one that cause the super massive cloud, drops the second 7000kg bomb into a flat basin. The bomb was believed to be a dud

Awesome, now that we have the pictures of the bomber in action, lets show off some mostly in order uncut and unedited stuff of the P.008a-4e being built!

This is the earliest screenshot I have of the bomber, showing off it's bombload before I added the doors.

This screenshot shows off what was supposed to be the full span of the bomber. I think it's around 10ft wider than the final product because the fuselage I put over them looked pretty chunky.
Final note, the cockpit glass is significantly longer than the final product's. I chopped it down shortly after adding engines.

This is of me testing the bay doors on the runway to be sure they work. Suprisingly enough, they do.

A finished glassed cockpit on the extreme end of the fuselage. Can seat 2 comfortably, and have a third watching over and judging silently.

The lonely tail gunner position, seating a single gunner and his 20mm.
The only reason the tail gunner position even exists is thanks to the B-52 and a bit of research. Suprisingly enough, B-52's had tail gunners up until a decade or a half ago.

Here's I believe the first flight of the P.008a-4e. It uses 4 of the largest engine (whatever its name be) unedited whatsoever. Shortly after this screenshot, I cut down the cockpit, took off the wings, and made the cockpit and tail gunner areas all detailed.

This is the first proper flight of the P.008a-4e, with detailed cockpit, landing gear, engines, and full bomb bay.

The P.008a-4e sitting on the runway before I added its engines.

With these lovely pictures outta the way, I hope everyone enjoyed it and would enjoy seeing the listed release of the P.008a-4e.

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    B-4D Lancaster II would like to:

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Thank you!

    5.8 years ago
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    32.3k CRJ900Pilot

    Looks great!

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yeah, I'll be sure to meddle a bit with engine configs later on.

    +1 5.8 years ago
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    8,762 BlunderBirb

    @MrVaultech Well then the jumbo ones will have to do. Btw fine job on the panelling of the bay doors!

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    Yeah, I've tried a bit, but it gets tedious a after a while.

    5.8 years ago
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    8,762 BlunderBirb

    @MrVaultech Have you tried rotating the engine sets a bit downward to counter-act the pitch effect?

    5.8 years ago
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    41.5k MrVaultech

    I've made an attempt using 8 engines, but without modding them they don't provide enough power.
    Plus, XMLing engines so far from the CoM makes it pitch upwards.

    5.8 years ago
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    8,762 BlunderBirb

    Really impressive but imo rather than using 4 jumbo turbine jets, using a set of 2 small jet engines and a total of 8 small engines makes it look more true to the era its from

    5.8 years ago