Does it have to be a recording of SimplePlanes?
Or can it be irl flying or cool flying videos you’ve seen on YT?
I’ve got a few cool IRL videos, but I don’t know if they’re relevant enough to upload in the videos section.
With videos, “relevant to SimplePlanes”, what is the definition of “relevant”?
235k jamesPLANESii
5.8 years ago
Making 2 rn as well as a car @Randomdoggo
since I make trains, does that mean I can upload train videos
Andrew said that 3d printing the planes on the site is somehow related so it’s not just in game
XD @BlueCitrus
Oof I don't have emojis I have :-(
Yea planes are ok.
👌 @BlueCitrus
If it's IRL (related to aviation too), simpleplanes or simplerockets then it's fine