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What to build?

2,230 what1do2you3think  5.7 years ago

I have absolutely no Idea or what to build. I want to build an aircraft in real life instead of fictional aircraft. I was thinking of the 767-200 with a 3D cockpit and all that stuff but I’m not sure. It can’t be to large because my phone can’t handle large builds.

This forum may be useful to you guys to so we all get ideas of what to do!

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    It could be a good Idea but I feel there are a lot of those out there.
    (Unless I’m wrong lol) I am best at passenger aircraft but military aircraft can also happen. Thank you for the idea!

    5.7 years ago
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    14.7k Viper3000ad

    @BoganBoganTheMan Again?

    5.7 years ago
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    +1 5.7 years ago