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Plans for the future

16.9k YourWife  5.6 years ago

As some of you know, I have 4 unfinished projects that arent being worked on because both my laptops are bricked.

Boeing 787-9

Boeing 737-200 N823AL

Core Dynamics Eagle Mk.2

Consolidated Outland Mustang

As for the 787, it's mostly complete, but I still have a lot of things to work out. Part count is estimated to be around 1600 at completion.

The 737 is only the fuselage at the moment, but I will do a full interior and livery complete with decals, and the tail#. Other than that, nothing will really be new.

The Eagle still has a lot to be complete, the only complete part is half of the hull. Everything mechanical, and flight-related are nonexistent. I will incorporate refined versions of AEGIS, and the anti-gravity mechanism.

My biggest plans are for the Mustang. It will have everything incorporated into it; airfoils, flaps and other aerodynamic surfaces, suspension and wheels, AEGIS, anti-gravity, a full interior, and some new things I've never tried before.

The Mustang has 4 variants in star citizen, the alpha(freighter), beta(explorer), gamma(racer), and delta(fighter). Each variant will come with their own features respective to their role.

The alpha will have a cargo brace that extends, and will have adjustable ride height to accommodate to terrain or weight balance with the suspension. The brace will be able to carry 4 cubic containers that are 1.25m³ in volume. There will also be a special version with the 2948 citizencon livery.

The beta will have a cabin behind the cockpit that will have a compact restroom and shower, a small seating area and kitchen, and a bed. It will also have increased range and will be much faster than the alpha and delta.

The gamma will be mostly stripped of features, but will have an extensive range of flight modes for different race courses and maneuvers.

The delta will have fitted weapons, including guns, and missiles/dumb fire rockets. It will be slower in a straight line, but will have greater agility than the alpha and the beta.

There is also an omega, but it's just the gamma with an AMD livery, which I'll definitely do because it looks balls awesome.

Expected time of completion

Mustang: August/Sept 2019
737-200: October/November 2019
787-9: December 2019
Eagle: February/March 2020

potential future builds

Anyway I need to build a pc so I don't brick my phone too

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    @YourWife i understand i just didn't know the progress of the current builds, anyway good luck, can't wait

    5.6 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    @bananajoe322 well the 787 is already a year in the workings, and I'm doing the 737 because of the skin tag I have. I'll do the sc builds first because I enjoy them a lot more, but I don't want to cancel something I've already put a lot of work into.

    5.6 years ago
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    @YourWife this is entirely your choice but i think you should start doing star citizen builds instead of the boeing ones because no one ever in SP has seen ones good as your and it will bring a new phase to the community

    5.6 years ago
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    16.9k YourWife

    @BlueCitrus because I've done that already, and I'm doing that specific tail # because I have a piece of its skin

    5.6 years ago
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    4,038 YoDudeChase

    Why not the 737-800?

    5.6 years ago