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Some XML stuff Id like someone to do

1,223 Theengineerist  5.8 years ago

Is it possible to create a hinge rotator that is activated not by a activation group but rather by a specific speed? If this is possible could someone make me one that is activated at 50mph? Thanks a ton! • ^ •
........ <>

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    9,447 vcharng

    Hmm... you know, the large landing gear features a speed-dependent turning angle (known as turning sensitivity), which enables different turning angle at different speeds. For example, a 80% setting would start limit the angle at about 50 km/h.
    If you are able to combine that code with a constant input, you "Might" just create a speed-triggered rotator.

    Also there's Jericho Siren mod, which is speed triggered as well, so I think it is definitely possible to make speed-dependent mods, just the problem of how to make it work on a hinge rotator.

    5.8 years ago
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    Agh, greasy. Thanks anyways! @RailfanEthan

    5.8 years ago
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    not possible

    5.8 years ago