I dont know what's going on with the duccs and there is going to be a war but all I know is that duccs are superior above all life and anti-duccs WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND WILL BE DESTROYED and also can the devs make a ducc tag
Comment ducc if you agree with me
I am anti-ducc and are building a Hunting Rifle at the moment.
@LancasterAce @SodiumChloride so it went from the ducc to the salt
I approve of this message
i want to resist the duccs but my opposition will get me killed by the superior life forms
@Dllama4 banned
R duccs in SLRP?
@Armyguy1534 Sure.
@Awsomur Okay.
@Dllama4 I'd have to say llamas are pretty great but duccs are far better
The wife is the superior form of life.
According to her
You too shall be assimilated by the ducc
Llamas are obviously superior.
No, Humans are the superior species!
also, Stop it,....Get some help.
ducc ducc ducc