I wonder if 1.8 is the last update for simple planes. If not, here are my requests for 1.9 (if there is one):
Underwater Cameras
The Kraken For Mobile
Rocket Engines
The ability to get struck by lightning
Guided Bombs
Bird Strikes
Sonic Booms
Midair Refueling
Wings Leaking Fuel (is that already in game? I saw it in the damage update trailer)
Removing Autoroll and Autoyaw
I hope these ideas are considered.
@randomusername What happened to your posts? Are you alright?
I know, but I wish they were an item.@Theflyingtrex
There are lazers, aa gun on snowstone will use them to destroy bombs @AerialFighterSnakes
Thanks, needed more clarification of the topic, I always thought Apple was just a pansy when it came to security. @ChiyomiAnzai
Ok then.@SnoWFLakE0s
@AerialFighterSnakes Not Jundroo, it's Apple's own policy.
Yea. I’ve heard of that.@ChiyomiAnzai
Can they atleast add the kraken to mobile?@ChiyomiAnzai
Well that pretty much sucks.@Mysweetbologna
@AerialFighterSnakes due to the App store’s policy on third party executable code (cough cough, mods), particularly the one that bans them completely for security reasons, mods aren’t making an appearance on your normal iPhone any time soon, unless it’s jailbroken, but I don’t see any jailbreak-compatible mods.
@Dllama4 awww screw you silly llama :(((((((((
@AerialFighterSnakes oh lol
I was making a Top Gun reference XD.@Dllama4
@AerialFighterSnakes Who?
Silly Maverick XD.@Dllama4
IKR 😔😣🤣<— Whoops, wrong emoji. @GeneralOliverVonBismarck
I know. Jundro wants to protect their damn devices. I don’t get it. It’s just mods!!! How does it harm anything? I don’t care for making mods I just want to download them. Can they atleast put the kraken into iOS?@vcharng
Well then there's your problem, iOS.
without mod capability you really would lose a lot of fun stuff here in SP... Damn Apple.
The kraken isn’t on the game in iOS.@vcharng
That would be lit.@Remote
@destroyerP Hey, only I can say that, you silly goose.
Underwater Cameras<<<done by mods
The Kraken<<< already there, except if you're talking about "killable" kraken
Rocket Engines<<<done by mods
The ability to get struck by lightning
Cannons<<<done by mods
Nukes<<<done by mods
Afterburners<<<done by mods
Guided Bombs<<< done by mods and some specially built sub-assemblies
Malfunctions<<<already there. currently the engines, detachers (including pylons), weapons and bombs, as well as in only one case the artificial horizon, can all malfunction if damaged.
Bird Strikes
Lasers<<<done by mods
Flamethrowers<<<done by mods
Sonic Booms<<<done by mods
Midair Refueling<<<done by mods though I'm not sure if it still works
Wings Leaking Fuel <<<already there
Removing Autoroll and Autoyaw<<<you need to balance your plane.
Bull @JamesBoA
I’d like the ability to fuse parts. Like after your done your creation will be all one part. How cool is that?@randomusername