Currently on #260+ part's
Fictional build
Thing to add:
-Livery(Not sure)
-And more standart boeing aircraft detail
to be tagged OwO
Currently on #260+ part's
Fictional build
Thing to add:
-Livery(Not sure)
-And more standart boeing aircraft detail
to be tagged OwO
@YourWife I took alot refrence, Boeing 777,Boeing 737-200,Boeing 787, And u just guessed the last one Md-11
@SubXTribe ... it has the wings and wing placement of an md11
@YourWife The final product look different , u should see it
@SubXTribe Ima be honest the post is literally just a 737 max but rebranded as a 797
@YourWife It look like it but its a 797 UwU
That's a 737-500
@ChiyomiAnzai Released tommorow or even the next day, You can freely costumize. @CrashFighter05
T butbit needs to be a limo
@ChiyomiAnzai Ye
Livery should south west, and nice!