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Air Defence Challenge RESULTS 2

247k EternalDarkness  5.7 years ago

26: ##KBP-Pantsir-S-SPAAG-SAM-MZKT-2S by Tiseth

Design: 3.5/10
Performance: 5/10
Build quality: 6.5/10
Personal Impression: 3/5
Description: 4/10

Total: 22/45

Notes: The vehicle doesn't look like any of Pantsir platforms, and the system itself is armed with two single-barreled gun and 6+6 missiles of different types, as opposed to two twin guns and twelve missiles of the same type on Pantsir. Chassis is fairly detailed, but too fast.

27: ##MJS Mobile AAMS by Stoney

Design: 4/10
Performance: 4.5/10
Build quality: 5/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 6/10

Total: 21.5/45

Notes: Build looks like an SAM system, yet has a gun too. It is oversized. Truck itself performs unrealistically, having unlimited top speed and turning with all axles. Weapon system is awkward to control with trim and VTOL, and missiles are unedited.

28: ##Ennio III Anti-Air System by logizAircrafts

Design: 7.5/10
Performance: 4.5/10
Build quality: 5/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 3/10

Total: 21/45

Notes: A very clean looking, although a bit underdetailed build. It drives quite well. Gun is not equipped with optics, making aiming nearly impossible.

29: ##Delivery Van by 0n33

Design: 2/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 6/10
Personal Impression: 4/5
Description: 4/10

Total: 20/45

Notes: Highly unrealistic yet funny build. Chassis moves at the snail pace. 360 lock and hypersonic missiles are unrealistic. Overall, the build is as unrealistic as can be.

30: ##S-75 Dvina by SubXTribe

Design: 6/10
Performance: 2/10
Build quality: 4/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 5/10

Total: 19/45

Notes: Clearly a rushed build. Missile turns so poorly it can't hit a target, and it doesn't have a longer distance proximity fuse to compensate for that. Missile can be depressed, which is unrealistic. Also, given that S-75 launches towards the target, 360° lock is out of place.

31: ##Phalanax CIWS final by BigBoiPlanes

Design: 7/10
Performance: 2/10
Build quality: 5.5/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 2.5/10

Total: 19/45

Notes: The turret tends to topple over, as there is no base and it's balancing on a rotator. It has a limited field of fire of 90°. Design is nice, but lacks the base. It could have been more detailed.

32: ##S.A.M Turret [A.D.C entry] by HarryBen47

Design: 3.5/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 3.5/10
Personal Impression: 2.5/5
Description: 5.5/10

Total: 19/45

Notes: Struts don't look like they could support the weight. It is oversized and lacks details. 360° lock and continuous rotation of the turret don't fit the design. It should be aimable. Description is short, but contains everything it should.

33: ##Desert Spider v.1 by IGNikolaev

Design: 5/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 4/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 3/10

Total: 19/45

Notes: Build is upscaled and underdetailed. Traverse rotator set to yaw makes it very awkward to aim. Missiles are stock, and there aren't many moving parts.

34: ##9K-35 Strela-10 by Alexiozo

Design: 4.5/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 4/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 3.5/10

Total: 18/45

Notes: Build does look like a Strela-10, but is very rough. Chassis is too fast, doesn't turn like tracked chassis, and brakes too hard. Real Strela-10 doesn't have guns, and 360° lock is out of place.

35: ##SeaRAM by Hiluks1

Design: 5/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 3.5/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 4/10

Total: 17.5/45

Notes: Slightly oversized. 360° lock is out of place, as missiles aren't vertically launched. Missiles lack in maneuverability and minimal engagement range is too long. Could have been more detailed.

36: ##GR.S.A A1530 by FastRacer023

Design: 3/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 3/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 4.5/10

Total: 17.5/45

Notes: Very unrealistically proportioned chassis. 180° lock is out of place on this build. Not many details, no custom missiles, and chassis is underpowered.

37: ##Deltacraft Sam 1 by Ratakis

Design: 6/10
Performance: 3/10
Build quality: 4/10
Personal Impression: 3/5
Description: 1/10

**Total: 17/45

Notes: Well organized system, with its control huse, search and targeting radar. 75° lock ange would be too large if the cockpit was rotating with the launcher as it should have, and too small for stationary cockpit. Number of missiles is reasonable for a short-range fixed system, but 40km range isn't.

38: ##SPAAG-38 "Hail Storm" by Patrick195

Design: 2.5/10
Performance: 7/10
Build quality: 3.5/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 2/10

Total: 17/45

Notes: Design is simple and oversized. It is unrealistically overarmed, with an average for similar system being four to twelve missiles. It performs well, being able to destroy targets with both guns and missiles, but controls are a bit awkward. 360° lock is inappropriate.

39: ##Kitten AA ATV by Incertname

Design: 3.5/10
Performance: 4.5/10
Build quality: 3/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 4/10

Total: 16/45

Notes: Cute design, but very roughly executed. Chassis is too fast and drifts all over the place. Glossy tires are very unattractive and unrealistic. ±180° gun teavers would have sufficed, it is too sensitive with 360° travers.

40: ##AVENGER A.D.S by TMach5

Design: 4.5/10
Performance: 3/10
Build quality: 4/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 3/10

Total: 15.5/45

Notes: The system is way oversized, features both air to air and air to ground weapons, and chassis is greatly underpowered. 360° lock is unrealistic here, and VTOL + Trim turret controls make it almost impossible to bring the guns onto the target.

41: ##Anti-Air Truck by BagelPlane

Design: 3/10
Performance: 4.5/10
Build quality: 3.5/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 3/10

Total: 15/45

Notes: The column of the turret wouldn't support the mass of the weapon system in real life, chassis is way too fast (I reached over 500km/h) and bouncy, and trim + VTOL aiming is awkward. Missiles should aim with the turret rather than stay stationary.

42: ##anti air challange by Armyguy1534

Design: 4/10
Performance: 2/10
Build quality: 2.5/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 5/10

Total: 14.5/45

Notes: Hulls is odd shaped and would be very uncomfortable for the crew. Supports hang too low, obstructing the driving on rough terrain, and are completely unnecessary. Missile tubes don't elevate, missile lock is 360°, and there's no gun sight as cockpit doesn't elevate with the guns.

43: ##Sparrow air defence system by Generalkeath

Design: 2/10
Performance: 3/10
Build quality: 3/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 4.5/10

Total: 13.5/45

Notes: The build is oversized and out of proportion. The system is over-armed for its apparent size. The vehicle is way too fast, and unstable in turns when not using a gyro. It has a nice suspension.

44: ##Aa 123 wip by xXEdgynamehereXx

Design: 2.5/10
Performance: 4.5/10
Build quality: 3/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 1/10

Total: 13/45

Notes: I couldn't tell which side goes forward until I throttled up. Unguided rockets are out of place here, and the chassis is way too fast. Having the "radar" (cockpit) separate from the launcher is a nice touch.

45: ##FLAKPANZER V COULIAN by winterro

Design: 3/10
Performance: 4/10
Build quality: 3/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 1/10

Total: 13/45

Notes: Cute and recognizable but oversized and underdetailed build. VTOL and trim control scheme is very awkward on PC, but pitch and roll aiming is easy. Short range of the guns makes it difficult to actually hit anything, as builds rarely get within range. There seems to be no suspension, and all systems are as basic as it goes. There is almost no description.

46: ##Air Defense challenge by 88blaroo

Design: 2/10
Performance: 2/10
Build quality: 5/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 2/10

Total: 12/45

Notes: That itny base certainly wouldn't be able to support a swiveling turret in real life. Rotators are too fast and too sensitive, making it almost impossible to stay on target. View from the seats is obstructed and doesn't have a crossheir.

47: ##Empress class AA 38mm Quad-Turret by SirTimothy1943

Design: 4/10
Performance: 1/10
Build quality: 3/10
Personal Impression: 2/5
Description: 1/10

Total: 11/45

Notes: Turret is an unholy mess of guns without a sight/crosshair. That, combined with awkward controls (VTOL + Trim) makes it nearly impossible to hit anything except by accident. Radar is a nice touch though.

48: ##GCP-Challenger by GCPrototypes

Design: 1/10
Performance: 5/10
Build quality: 2/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 0/10

Total: 9/45

Notes: A very simple build. Design is rough and basic. It performs as expected for a few unedited interceptor missiles on a stick. No custom stuff, no details, and basically no description.

49: ##Island Mobile Air Defense System by LordAidanYT

Design: 1/10
Performance: 3/10
Build quality: 1/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 3/10

Total: 9/45

Notes: The chassis is blocky and has glossy tires. Missile system looks brittle standing only on a tiny rotator, and can depress into the chassis. 360° is out of place, as they system is meant to be directed at the target.

50: ##AA Turret by Supernovaboss504

Design: 0/10
Performance: 3/10
Build quality: 1/10
Personal Impression: 1/5
Description: 2/10

Total: 7/45

Notes: The design is extremely crude and unrealistic. 360° lock is out of place. Launcher can depress into the stand, movement is very twitchy, and it's overall just a missile spam.

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    5.7 years ago
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    @EternalDarkness I completely agree with your assessment of my entry (I’m serious I know it sucked)

    5.7 years ago
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    @SirTimothy1943 at least now you know how to do better next time.

    5.7 years ago
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    5.7 years ago
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    I SUCKED...

    5.7 years ago
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    @Stoney no problem. Thank you for participating.

    5.7 years ago
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    @Tiseth you should have linked that picture. I tried searching the name of the build, but didn't find the picture you linked here. I probably would have if I searched more, but there were too many entries to do a thorough research on them. You would have gotten a few more design points.

    5.7 years ago
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    @Awsomur my Trainer Challenge had to be separated into three posts, partially due to there being three categories. My General Aviation Challenge results also had to be two posts as I couldn't fit all entries into one.

    5.7 years ago
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    1,200 Stoney

    I knew that gun was a bad addition!! Thanks for the feedback though!

    5.7 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    First ever challenge that had to be broken into two parts because it was so popular.

    5.7 years ago