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Why people hate Roleplay ?

12.6k HNL47  5.7 years ago

It is a question for non-roleplayers. I know that at the start the roleplay was uncontrolable and spammy but it's calm now but some users still hating this. It's time to say why you hate RP in comments

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    The point


    5.2 years ago
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    @RailfanEthan Can't that be said for anyone who plays games? I mean not to be offensive or rude or anything but that sounds a lot like something a boomer would say about gamers. "Oh, why play a flight sim when you can fly actual planes or buy a drone?" I'm personally very interested in military aviation, and aviation in general, but does that mean I'm stupid enough to join the Airforce, Marines, or Navy just to get a chance to fly an actual fighter jet? Answer is no. I love studying and looking at actual military aircraft, and fictional military aircraft. But that isn't something I'm going to risk my life over. Not to mention the fact that a lot of real generals have suggested and done arguably stupid and pointless things, take WWI for example, the entire strategy of that war from 1914-1917 was to charge at the other trench in the hopes you "win" a mile of ground. Not to mention during the Korean War, General Douglas MacArthur, who some consider to be a hero of the second world war, genuinely suggested nuking the border of North Korea and China to halt Chinese troop movements into Korea. Granted, he was promptly demoted to the rank of unemployed, but still. I'd personally rather unsound military strategy be left to online rp forums, rather than actual war rooms, its less liable to get people killed. I play FPS games, and I wouldn't ever consider joining the military, and, while that may sound unpatriotic, my reasoning is simple, war isn't hell, war is worse than hell. Some come home, but they aren't the same, mentally or physically, and some don't come home. The fact of the matter is war is lies. There is no good, there is no evil, there is no us, there is no them. All there is, is pain. To call someone a wuss for not signing up to join the military speaks volumes about yourself, and paints yourself as insecure, once again, I do not mean my words to be abrasive or hurtful, however you clearly did.

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    870 Azam

    i love rp....but no one comes...

    5.4 years ago
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    roleplays are for people who dream of war but are too scared to join their own country's army. Hiding behind a screen gives them confidence in battle strategies that would make most generals scratch their head, and makes them feel powerful dropping 5,000 nukes on some 2mi long island.
    Can't wait to see what happens to them in 20yrs lol

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    40.2k Awsomur

    Roleplay has gone from having strong alliances of players and wars that were played out gentlemanly. Now it’s gone to pot with all the crazy kids that have turned it into a kindergarten playground.

    +3 5.7 years ago
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    3,804 Mmdben

    Because there is a lot of kids who're like you can't nuke my country but I can,then the just argue and argue.

    I like them when someone say:" hey(insert a name) my country is better than yours"and the other person starts working on a new type of vehicle he never made before( a VTOl guy makes a ship), and they argue about who's better BY BUILDING not by typing and they admit who built the better unite but it's quite rare to find roleplays like these , but it's easier to find the keyboard war ropleplays ,so most people hate them.

    5.7 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    @Othawne I don't ask for upvote you know

    5.7 years ago
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    94.1k Vincent

    @HarryBen47 I Upvote stuff i like.

    +5 5.7 years ago
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    5.7 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47

    @Othawne can you upvote this si everyone can see it at the top page and more people will answer to the question

    5.7 years ago
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    94.1k Vincent

    Because some find it childish & annoying.

    ''Keep breathing heavy with your keyboard & fedora''

    +7 5.7 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47


    5.7 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47


    5.7 years ago