The Messerschmitt Bf 109
No offence, but I wouldn't have guessed 109. Perhaps use Designer suite to compare the build to pictures or make fictionals, because your style is quite sound.
You put them in the description as ! [] (link)
You use @RCalabraro
How do you add the pics with background to this page?
Thanks @Awsomur
;) @FuzzyAircraftProductions
Looks verdammt episch!
:D @FuzzyAircraftProductions
Thanks @SteveSnake and @MrMuffin
That nose art is lit🔥
I love the cockpit
It’s fine I’m just a terrible bomber @Chancey21
Doesn’t look accurate to me...
Thanks for the help @plane918273645
A swoop that low.
Lol yeah @Jim1the1Squid
Did the AA tanks successfully shoot you down after that pic was taken?

I could help if you have trouble with links
No offence, but I wouldn't have guessed 109. Perhaps use Designer suite to compare the build to pictures or make fictionals, because your style is quite sound.
You put them in the description as ! [] (link)
You use @RCalabraro
How do you add the pics with background to this page?
Thanks @Awsomur
;) @FuzzyAircraftProductions
Looks verdammt episch!
Thanks @SteveSnake and @MrMuffin
That nose art is lit🔥
I love the cockpit
It’s fine I’m just a terrible bomber @Chancey21
Doesn’t look accurate to me...
Thanks for the help @plane918273645
A swoop that low.
Lol yeah @Jim1the1Squid
Did the AA tanks successfully shoot you down after that pic was taken?

I could help if you have trouble with links