We have 6 differences between 2 pictures
The first person will find them all will be the winner with 5 upvotes
Pic A
Pic B
because Freedom is sad
We have 6 differences between 2 pictures
The first person will find them all will be the winner with 5 upvotes
Pic A
Pic B
because Freedom is sad
Inclined Vertical stabiliser
Camera/small thing at front
The Back LG is inclined
Front Lg's bottom rotator Upside down
Air Intakes/Inlets
Camera isn't there on the second pic... but it's already closed :(
@freedompilot98 done
@destroyerP I think I should make this game again they respond so fast that I'm not sure if spefy is the real winner
The air intakes, cockpit, tail wings, the little camera ball on the front, the White stipe on the nose, back landing gear, top has a camera in front of the cockpit window
Find the difference game
posted nearly 30 minutes with 11 comments
clicked on post
spefyjerbf congrats you find them all!!!
Different engine fans
Dihedrals on the v.stab.
Line dividing the cockpit in half.
@freedompilot98 sorry you find them but a bit late
@spefyjerbf congrats you find them all!!!
And now someone managed to write the rest.... gg
Angle on vertical stabilizers, anhedral on horizontal stabilizers, orbit camera, intakes, and the bar in the canopy.
vertical stabilizers
Rear landing gear
camera height on nose