It's there job to ban you it's there job to warn you when you do BAD things you get in trouble for a reason so stop whining whne people report youre BAD behavour "snitches" are only doing there civil duty to report BAD behavoiur even if it does not affect them personaly.
Ok look at the rules 1 no sexual words first rule has a man part
I believe I have a rough translation:
“It's the moderators job to ban you and to warn you when you break the rules.” (That’s not in the right order but ok.)
“Stop whining when people report your rule-breaking behavior. ‘Snitches’ aren’t snitching on you, they are only doing their civil duty to report rule violations, even if it does not effect them personally.” (Everything here is correct, but it doesn’t make sense to rant about it)
“I don't think about myself much: too little in fact ‘_’.” (I got nothin’ for this one)
I’m starting to get the feeling that some moderator was called in against this person or against someone who was harassing him, so I guess it is for that reason this post exists.
@DeidaraEnterprises @IStoleYourMeme @exosuit
The grammar police just called in the millitary.
Silly goose
@Minecraftpower also I had to vent
@Minecraftpower I did not say anything about not getting notified when action is taken???? wrong guy maybe????
If you think something is breaking the rules you should use the report function, moderators mostly don't want themselves spesifically tagged in the comments unless it's something that doesn't have to do with moderator stuff. So don't specify a moderator. Also just because something breaks the rules in your opinion doesn't mean the moderator thinks so, if they judge the post to be fine they will just leave it up. Also I read some of your comment about you reporting something a month ago and not getting a notification...... you don't get notified when action is taken. And reporting stuff is ok aslong as it breaks the rules (especially if it beyond a reasonable doubt) so just ignore when people call you a snitch, or use the intended report function.