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Unpopular opinion

32.0k NecoArcBubbles  5.7 years ago

Thanking someone for upvoting your planes by tagging them in the comments every single time is unnecessary, shallow, and annoying. Finding several notifications and expecting them to be something worth the notification like a comment with some actual meaning or an upvote and having them all just be “omg thnk u 4 upvoting my plen xddd” gets tiresome and makes me want to not upvote planes.
EDIT: If they leave a comment complimenting the plane first then it’s different
I understand there may be some that think the opposite way, that not flooding your own comment section thanking everyone who upvotes would be rude. I am curious as to why you think that way.

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    2,103 Reen1

    @Chancey21 @Ryn176 -same, I thank people almost all the time.

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    29.2k destroyerP

    Used to do that back then, I’ve then getting tagged about getting a compliment after upvoting, and I find it annoying. Then I noticed I done the same to others, so I decided to stop.

    In my opinion, yes, it’s nice to if you give others compliment. But take a second and think that this is just an airplane building sandbox game and upvote is literally nothing but giving you more useless internet points.

    +3 5.7 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    @Roswell yeah it's quite tedious tbh

    5.7 years ago
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    8,069 Ryn176

    That's me and I'm not going to stop


    +1 5.7 years ago
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    @shahram15 Thanks, sure

    5.7 years ago
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    7,271 Roswell

    I see your point of view one and It's very unstable but.. some people just want to be nice by thanking people who upvotes their build It's a small little gesture of appreciation and something so little like a upvote means a lot because it mean that person like that build.
    Side note: I used to do this a long time ago but it got little tedious to think every updoot so now I just respond to comments, but seeing this post seems like attack.

    That's just my opinion.

    +2 5.7 years ago
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    11.6k shipster

    I mean...I do my best to thank people, and ask their opinions to improve. But I don’t always get to everyone.

    5.7 years ago
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    2,675 shahram15

    @Leonelarminrocks7 I want to be your Friend , but you should build something first !

    5.7 years ago
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    @ChiyomiAnzai All my points are from 2+ yrs ago wen i was good at this game

    5.7 years ago
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    @ChiyomiAnzai True, I think w/ one more good plane, I can get there :D

    5.7 years ago
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    I dont care. Nobody upvotes my planes anyways

    5.7 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    I do it all the time @Armyguy1534

    +2 5.7 years ago
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    69.5k Chancey21

    I apologize; I thank people for upvoting all the time. I didn’t know it bothered people.

    +2 5.7 years ago
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    Not unpopular

    5.7 years ago
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    Yeah sometimes thanking people is a little annoying, so I just stopped doing it after 1 or 2 posts

    5.7 years ago
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    14.7k Viper3000ad

    In my opinion, it is polite to try the airplane and not simply vote. Also, the comment should also have something about how it flies from the aerodynamic point of view. No one asks what is the Stall Speed, ​​or how much drag it has. Let us encourage such discussions besides - thank you, very nice and cool...
    I will vote for it so that other people can see it and also express themselves

    +3 5.7 years ago
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    121k belugasub

    It’s nice that people say thanks, but I agree it can get very annoying

    +2 5.7 years ago
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    77.0k 2Papi2Chulo

    i'm with you by only thanking a comment

    5.7 years ago
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    15.9k Stormfur

    plez fli mi plen

    5.7 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534

    I only noticed that lower players do this probably because they dont get too many upvotes

    +1 5.7 years ago