Ive been roleplaying as a alternate germany for four years now, and im honestly tired. No one seems interested in what i make anymore, i have no other players to roleplay with, no idea where to go. Im thinking of a alternate 1920s in a "Pilots love song" type of world, with flying warships and dieselpunk. I already have a idea for a country, flag, world map. Itll take some time to make this all out. Im hoping to keep playing for the next few years to come, if nothing better comes.
@PositivePlanes not to say there could be a steampink faction, maybe
@PositivePlanes dieselpunk
@jamesPLANESii i tored, nothing worked, no matter what background i picked they were just dotting all over the place
It works for me. Maybe you’re changing the wrong thing. Also you can get rid of the dots by adjusting the lifetime thing there. @TheOwlAce
@jamesPLANESii it seems that mod was corrupted by the update, id change the backgorund colors but a bunch of pink dots darted everywhere and nothing changed it
@jamesPLANESii again, i just tried one of the hanger designers and it took half ainutebto load in and the colors were washed out. I just dont want the same dark background anymore
This version of smooth designer is good. But you should use proper designers as well. And don’t just use the same one every time. @TheOwlAce
@jamesPLANESii also do you know any good, simple backgrounds that i can use, just to change the color. It has tp be simple since im on aphone atm
@ChiyomiAnzai let me make the lore and world map first, im waiting to get a new PC
@jamesPLANESii well the reason i had the blue was so itd blend into the sea and sky, but i do do tri colors on most now. For head on, i thought it looked cool, but what would you suggest?
Don’t take your screenshots of your planes front on. You can’t see the plane properly in the thumbnail and there’s loads of the dull, grey background there. Also make your planes different colours instead of that dreary blue cuz that’s boring.