The Halcyon government has given the Krakabloa government enough days to think about the treaty that Halcyon and Eternistan have presented towards Krakabloa. Halcyon is now tired of waiting and delaying their fate. If they can’t decide then the Halcyon government will decide for them by force.
@LancasterAce yeah like you can do anything
@HarrisCraft you now have the continental Australia as well as all assets and the following companies: Ogel Chobi, an imprort and aircraft restoration company, And Brie LTD, an aircraft design and manufacturing firm. You now have complete control of what used to be Pacifica's southern fleet consisting of the following:
6 subs
2 light carriers
2 destroyers
10 frigates
15 PT boats
6 minehunters
6 survey ships
3 cargo couriers.
107 Fighters
16 patrol aircraft
6 tankers
42 transports
120 trainers
22 UAVs
and --Black budget Aircraft, codenamed Battle Axe.
Help needed
@Trollium yep good luck