Top Story
If you have been keeping up with the role play forums recently, you will find out that another, full scale war has erupted. "With who?" You ask. The war is between the Soviets and the Germanics.
President Jim1the1Squid has allied with GTAPRO but refuses to participate in the war, thankfully.
Famous Sprinter Johann Scheissburg has seriously injured himself from a car crash that resulted from a party. Both legs might need amputation.
Other News
Gestour has made a new mod! Be sure to check out the Reset Mod!
That's all for today folks! Be sure to check the list for new editions of the Warburg Daily!
Good thing it changed...
The 666 points @Jim1the1Squid
IS it about this post, or what is actually happening, or your 668 points?
Oh dear god @Jim1the1Squid
Hey, umm, @LlamaIndustries you might want to get some more updates and/or spotlights, cuz that 666 isn't looking very good...
Made the right thing for this
Ok @Jim1the1Squid
IDK. You'd have to ask @JamesBleriot
Did the Germans survive?
@Jim1the1Squid oh sorry
Alright... why do I need to know this?
@Jim1the1Squid the capital has been renamed from Moscow to Moskva
@Jim1the1Squid oh ok
Naming cities isn't fun, let me tell you.
Keep in mind that I still have to put the cities on the map, name them, and outline EVERYTHING in pen so that it will be visible when I take the picture.
@Jim1the1Squid wait Wut ._.
@Jim1the1Squid yea
I probably won't be done for another few months...
@Jim1the1Squid ok
Not done yet.
@Jim1the1Squid wait send Me the map link
Have you put the Soviet Union on the map yet?
@Jim1the1Squid well the war is still going but what I meant by the war ending was the largest part of the war has ended but it is still going
@GTAPRO that was probably the shortest war I be seen!
@Jim1the1Squid we've pushed the Germanics back to Warsaw and th and there capital the war is over