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A power outage at our autsin plant has stoped the production of the TFTP-D-12, production will remain paused until further notice.
We are moving! We are moving headquarters to warburg, arrival is expected at 11:30 simpleplanes time, here is a picture of the fleet
1,597 employees are going on strike! They are not happy about having to move to warburg.
Breaking news
Theflyingtrex Productions has annownced that a new aircraft called “TFTP-M-51” will begin production by july! Blueprints are currently top secret.
That’s it!
Later today, I'm going to post a Google form so that I can get your email address so that I can invite you to the group chat. I've already started work on the hull and flight deck.
What can i do for the aircraft carrier?@Jim1the1Squid
Lol @ChiyomiAnzai
IKR? Just your everyday SP nerds chatting away.
IKR? Just your everyday SP nerds chatting away.
Ill help make the aircraft carrier
I’m on it now @Jim1the1Squid
Ah, crap. When can you get it?
I don’t have the app right now @Jim1the1Squid
I'm waiting for you on Hangouts.
I've already posted the possible name of the ship.
Maybe remove the comment that is talking about the moderator aswell @Jim1the1Squid
WAKE UP! WAKE UP!@Theflyingtrex
Delete that link and wait until he is back, then repost the link @Jim1the1Squid
Done @Jim1the1Squid
my Discord isn't working properly.
I say we just use discord @Jim1the1Squid
I’m not saying this is a competition, I’m saying you could make the ship I will attach the aircraft etc @Jim1the1Squid
I guess we could just use that like discord @Jim1the1Squid
I know. I'm saying it would pretty much be a one-person project if it involves ME.
BTW @LlamaIndustries you're on!
I know this will throw up red flags, but I want to open a Google Hangouts chat room so that we can talk more
I will make a google form for it.
Also check out the MLRS video@Jim1the1Squid
No dude working together. @Jim1the1Squid
Oh-ho-ho! I would end up winning THAT contest!!!
How about we all try to make an aircraft carrier together, I have several naval aircraft designs. @Theflyingtrex @Jim1the1Squid