We have:
Ostpreußen Reich
Federation of Eurasian States
Federal Republic of Eastern Snowstone
Commonwealth of Finland
Royal State of Aleutzia
Eternstein Federation
West Germany
Republic off Zeppelin Isle
Federal Marijuana Republic
Royal Slavic Union
Thanos Union
Sylixian Empire
Royal Republic of Nemesis
Constitutional Republic of Salt Lake City
Central Vortex Republic
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
New Republic of Krakabola
If your country is not listed hear, comment your nation’s name and territor(y/ies) in the comments
Soviet union. Territories: Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
Oops sorry @exosuit
You're missing an "L" on the Syllix lol
You are lemme change it@LancasterAce
I missed you because it’s small and in the southern part of the map @LancasterAce
You are @LancasterAce
What does ROS stand for@ChiyomiAnzai
The arctic and Antarctic are international land and Alaska is already claimed @Brields95
Arctica. Alaska
Um, I'm not sure how the Soviet Union would fit on the map since all its former land is owned by at least 3 different countries...
Arcteria is what used to be the state of Delaware, with a weapons testing facility in New Mexico.
SMC Industries occupies NovrdLisch, a medium sized island 160 miles east of Madagascar.
All the land that Ukraine had has been taken back
The United States of the soviet republic