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[SLRP] merso opens the sale of military aircraft

22.9k FoxtrotTheSergal  5.7 years ago

the W.O.F de merso already has 405,725 aircraft (that number counts fighters, bombers, training, etc.)
so merso will sell military aircraft to those who want to buy them

these are the airplanes that are for sale:


VTOL aircraft fighter bomber very useful for night operations


Ultrasonic bomber plane capable of launching atomic bombs

Df-05 MK-0

small and fast special icinerator plane to enter and exit enemy territory


balistic plane made to attack from long distances that is decent enough

Sergal cargo plane

huge cargo plane made to carry tons of cargo without problems

CdeP awacs

Special long-range awacs aircraft

If you are interested in a plane that is not on the list you can ask for the plane you want

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    Cdep awacs, 20 of em, we'll take em.

    +1 4.8 years ago
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    28.2k blt

    I’ll take a Sergal cargo plane

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    @HarrisCraft idk, I'm was inspired by a hawker hunter / f-35

    5.7 years ago
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    11.2k HarrisCraft

    Why does the Dracotai-AR-2421 look like my Anthropornis NA2-A1

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    @QuantausAviation understood 10 df-01 will be on the way in 20 days

    5.7 years ago
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    ill take 10 DF-01s

    +1 5.7 years ago
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    5,312 0n33

    subsonic = too slow
    Hypersonic= fast
    Ultrasonic = fast as fk boi

    +1 5.7 years ago