The Halcyon Government was blind sighted by the landings and the still intact military are finally arriving with its armoured might. And with its night the military has managed to corner the invasion force into a small town called Zish’s Port, if you remember Zish’s port that was the same town that the CVR military was cornered into while fighting against halcyon. The Halcyon Airforce meanwhile has been deployed it’s aircraft to destroy any cargo planes and or fighter jets that are in Halcyon’s airspace.
I shall send some FX-06 ghost recon jets to assist you, we'll have eyes in the sky and the ability to get air superiority
@DeidaraEnterprises はい
@HarrisCraft 105th, 107th and 110th Armored divisions are ready to depart from Afghanistan. The 105th and 107th is formed of 25 Dustiness Mk.Is and 20 APC-21 Futsunushis per division while the 110th is formed of 20 APC-21 Futsunushis and 15 MGS-21 Futsunushi Tank Destroyers.
The Joint Base Grizdenvall-Hendryk is also standing by to support threats present in Europe, Asia and Africa @exosuit
I will wait for Lancaster's turn.
@HarrisCraft hey, would you like to ally with merso?
@LancasterAce you blocked me remember?
@0n33 Well hold the attack we’re gonna do a United Attack on him so not now.
@HarrisCraft nah.. I mean im bombarding their factories road etc..
@0n33 What? Are you against me?
Erebus Air Force will take care on their main roads, Factories, airports and ship ports they will be turned into a blacked ash hot firey place
My Primärflotta has been directed from Kamchatka ports to the rendezvous point in the Pacific.
The Gott Mit Uns will be sure to cripple any NKR supply and equipment shipping to the island, while my Panamaz will drop it's supplement of 45 P.007c(U)-50m Gösta AIFVs to assist with defense alongside the 2 companies of infantry.