literally metric tons of rp posts are being generated right now
don't you have a discord for this?
like seriously all i see checking the forums is that some virtual country is getting it's butt kicked in by some other country and 90% of people here don't care.
please keep all but the important rp stuff to your discord channels
He’s got to eyes no way you can be mature and disrespect what he did.
@Awsomur Same, that kid has been off the rails lately, I'm 90% sure he's underage
I hope the mods are going to get done to business.
@Awsomur No problem, that guy is really annoying
Thanks for standing up against what happened on my post. I was busy prepping for the storm and didn’t have time to block him before he said those things. I’m honestly sickened by what he said.
@Minecraftpoweer that is what used to be
Like a single post about what's happening and the participants would gather in said post and make moves
I don't know what happened to this one lol
@Strucker ye
Like this here
After a while you begin a new one though so it doesn't take seven centuries to scroll down.
@Strucker not a bad idea, but saying you blinked your eyes again in a new forum is a bad idea.
Maybe a single forum you edit and have it linked on your profile.
I have an idea. How about if you go to war you make one forum and name it "op country vs not as op country" and then every action happens in the comment instead of people making new forums for every flie that dies
Most of these metric tons are BS anyway so I do agree a fair amount.
The RP Tag makes it seem like it's not a problem tho.
Ok, so if you guys can’t get a discord, each country makes their own forum based on what’s going on, and you can do your stuff on that.
Sure you might have to dig into other peoples profiles, but these SLRP forums are kinda annoying.
Some people, like me, can't have Discord.
There's a RP tag meant for posts like it, they're doing nothing wrong other than grinding on your own patience, all I can recommenced is deal with it given most RP's already use discord usually anyway. As not everyone can use or get discord.
@PositivePlanes Fat rip
We should get an rp special forum then
There is a Discord for it. There's been discussions about making Discord-only, but the most vocal members of SLRP apparently can't use Discord or refuse to get it.
@PositivePlanes Aren't you in my server ?